Chapter 13

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Eleanor fervently prayed that Sirius wasn't as angry as he sounded

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Eleanor fervently prayed that Sirius wasn't as angry as he sounded. Remus, James and Eleanor guiltily turned to face Sirius while Peter looked at them, confused. Eleanor felt some tinge of hope when she saw that he wasn't angry with them. Just annoyed.

"Sometimes even Sirius Black needs some privacy. And moreover I would've told you guys when the time came.", started Sirius.

"We know. It's just that it's unbearable for us to, you know, think that you are hiding something from us."

"I get it. Just exhibit a bit more patience next time."

"So? What's all this about?", asked Remus. Sirius sighed and plopped himself on the couch as he answered, "That's the thing. Even I don't understand why mother and father are inviting me to join the 'Pureblood' Christmas ball this year. Did your aunt or uncle or Samantha ask you to come, Elly?"

"No!", she replied, horrified at the thought of wearing a gown and loads of unnecessary makeup and hair products. "Then why me?", groaned Sirius.

"Don't worry mate. There's always my home if things get too bad.", said James with a chuckle.


Eleanor absolutely despised her waist length hair. She considered cutting it short but her family would not allow that. Girls were supposed to have long, well kept hair. And that hair was the reason why she was late for her first class for the day. She was sure that Minnie would even consider turning her into a pocket watch.

She was rapidly walking, mind you not running. Walking because apparently running around was too undignified for a respectable pureblood or so was she taught from a young age. She needed to let go of her stupid habits Eleanor thought bitterly.

As she was hurrying down the corridors, she collided with a person who let us say wasn't very pleasant.

"Watch where you're going stupid! Oh, it's you! Long time no see blood traitor."

Eleanor was in no mood to argue but couldn't help herself, "Maybe it's because I try not to cross paths with stinky people, Malfoy."

Eleanor loathed her arch nemesis, Venus Malfoy who was a spoit, rich, insolent blood purist but even Eleanor had to admit that she was gorgeous. Pureblood genes are something. Just look at the Blacks, Malfoys and Potters, thought Eleanor to herself.

Venus scoffed, "Hasn't it become boring? Hiding behind all that sarcasm?"

Rolling her eyes, Eleanor muttered quietly, "Yet here you are."

Malfoy visibly fumed at her words but put on a fake sweet smile and said, "Hope to see you in the Christmas Ball. Oh wait! You're not invited, right? The Blacks are really particular you see. They wouldn't even let the scum of their elder son be among us."

Eleanor was generally a patient, calm and collected person but any mean words against her friends was the trigger to her reckless profile.

She whipped out her wand at Malfoy's words and jabbed it at her throat while her minions pointed their wands at Eleanor.

"One more word against Sirius and I won't hesitate to hex your good for nothing existence. And fun fact: your brother isn't here to save your sorry arse this year, so you better watch your mouth, Malfoy.", spoke Eleanor with a low growl.

She put her wand into her holster as quickly as she had taken it out and walked off saying, "And yes. I do not regret missing out on some free food from the racist, sexist and classist party."


Eleanor was yet again late for another meeting in the unused bathroom which was named the Mischief Managed Workplace in the honour of the marauders although Moaning Myrtle claimed it to be her place.

Eleanor was held back by Professor Mcgonagall for entering the class when it was ten minutes to bell and had received a long lecture from the professor on punctuality.

The second period was free and the marauders decided to commemorate the drinking of the potion which was the third step to becoming an animagus. This time she opted for sprinting and finally reached her destination.

"Bow down you peasants! Your queen has arrived", said Eleanor loudly.

"The Queen has arrived fifteen minutes late."

"What? Mcgonagall scolded me for just fifteen minutes? It felt like an hour!"

Sirius then cleared his throat and said in a posh manner, "So my dear lady and gentlemen. Today we have gathered here to witness the monumental affair of the mandrake leaf and the Sirius Black potion."

"Sirius Black potion?"asked Peter although was ignored.

"So, I would like each one of you to transfigure this cockroach into a goblet so that I may know that you all are eligible to transfigure yourselves into your spirit animals. Now Moony, the floor is yours. Please, take it from here."

Rolling his eyes at his best friend's dramatic approach, Remus stood on the dias near the sink while the other four transfigured their respective roaches into goblets. Then Remus took each goblet and half filled it with the 'Sirius Black' potion and returned them to their owner.

The four of them eyed the potion warily before putting the mandrake leaves in them as it started bubbling vigorously. Then each taking a deep breath, drank the potion in one gulp.

The taste was absolutely disgusting and after fifteen seconds or so Peter commented, "I don't feel too good."

A/N: Hey guys!! It's been a long time... how are you all doing? Hope you all are keeping well!!

Well thank you so much for your votes and comments. It means a lot. <3

Anyways, hope you liked the chapter and if you did then please vote. Thank you. Keep safe. Bye!! ^_^
~ Srija :)

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