Chapter 2

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Eleanor, Amaira, Kaira and Celestine sat in one boat along with another redhead and a greasy, hook nosed skinny boy

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Eleanor, Amaira, Kaira and Celestine sat in one boat along with another redhead and a greasy, hook nosed skinny boy.

"Hi, I'm Lily Evans and this is Severus Snape.", said the redheaded girl with a smile. "Hello!! I am Eleanor Crosswood." "Myself Amaira" "And myself Kaira Xander." "And I'm Celestine Rivers. Nice to meet you."

"Did he just drink goblin piss? Cheer up, you won't get to ride the boat for the first time ever again", exclaimed Eleanor enthusiastically. "Ah!! Yes that's true. Sev, don't let those bullies spoil your mood.", said Lily with equal enthusiasm.

Finally they reached the gates. They had already imagined some kind of lavish and grand castle but finally standing in front of Hogwarts the six of them could not help but gape at the beauty and grandeur of the magnificent castle, the place which would be the real home to many people for the next seven years, a place where they would find their true family, a place they would truly belong.

They were broken out of their trance when they heard someone addressing the students. The said someone was a stern looking witch wearing a hooked hat. One look at her and you wouldn't want to get on her wrong side.

After listening to the instructions given by Professor Mcgonagall with a few interruptions here and there made by a messy haired boy accompanied by a slightly taller black haired boy, finally they headed towards the Great Hall. The sorting ceremony had started and Eleanor was sure that her thumping heart was heard by the person standing next to her.

Soon Professor Mcgonagall called "Black, Sirius" after a long pause the hat finally shouted "Gryffindor". Eleanor saw that no one applauded while the boy Sirius made his way over to the Gryffindor table. She knew that Sirius Black was surely the first Black to be ever sorted in any house other than Slytherin.

As soon as Sirius reached the Gryffindor table thunderous applause was given by the lions as they overcame the initial shock. Eleanor was still lost in her thoughts when she heard Professor Mcgonagall call her name "Crosswood, Eleanor." Everyone waited with bated breath.

Another Crosswood, everyone would have expected her to be a Slytherin but after the Black incident people were convinced that anything can happen and therefore waited with pure anticipation written all over their faces.

Meanwhile as soon as the hat was placed on her head it mumbled, "Interesting. Family of Slytherins. Hmmmm. You are cunning and resourceful for your age. Maybe I should put you in Slytherin, no? I see.. not Slytherin you say aye.. You are loyal but not hard working enough. Quite intelligent but I don't see the thirst for knowledge. But I see your recklessness and bravery outweighs every other quality. Let it be" "GRYFFINDOR" shouted the sorting hat.

Once again there was pin drop silence and then the Gryffindor tables broke into thunderous applause for the second time in that day. Evans, Potter, Lupin, Pettigrew, Mckinnon, Longbottom and Fortescue were a few other students who were sorted in Gryffindor.

Snape, Avery, Mulciber, Dolohov were some notable people sorted in Slytherin. After a little while Eleanor turned off the sorting ceremony in her mind and her mind wandered to thoughts of how her guardians would react on getting the news. She already had a bad feeling about it.

Eleanor had looked towards her older cousin seated in the Slytherin table right after her sorting but the look she gave the younger child was enough to dim her mood for the rest of the feast. It was a look of pure horror and disgust.

Her chain of thoughts got interrupted when she heard the name "Rivers, Celestine" The sorting hat was placed on her head and after like thirty seconds she was sorted in Ravenclaw. Eleanor clapped for her new friend. Celestine was followed by Kaira. As soon as the hat touched her head it shouted "RAVENCLAW". Then went her sister.

Amaira's sorting was perhaps the longest one on that day. After 1-2 minutes the hat shouted "SLYTHERIN". And for the third time on the 1st of September, 1971 the Great Hall was filled with nothing but silence.

Unlike the Gryffindors, the serpents didn't welcome their newest addition. She was just a blood traitor in their eyes and nothing more.

Amaira looked for her sister in the Ravenclaw table but didn't like the look she received from her. It was the same look Samantha Crosswood had given Eleanor Crosswood, a look of utter disgust and frustration. Exhaling slowly, Amaira hung her head and walked towards the Slytherin.

That day not one, not two but three family traditions were broken by three youngsters in Hogwarts.

A/N: I personally think that this was a shit chapter! Please let me know your thoughts in the comments. And please consider voting if you liked it!! Bye.

~ Srija :)

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