Chapter 4

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4 years later

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4 years later

1st September,1975

"Move your damn leg, you dimwit!!", snapped Eleanor entering the last compartment aka 'The Marauders Compartment' of the Hogwarts Express.

"Hello to you too, dearest friend.", exclaimed James Potter in a false cheery voice he knew Eleanor hated. She sighed and plopped down on the seat. 

"You know how snappy I get after returning from THE CROSSWOOD MANOR. I can't wait to move out of that hell hole."

"I never thought I would say this but that last statement is something we both agree on. I can't wait to move out of my dear mother's house. It physically pained me to see her face every day.", remarked Sirius Black suddenly appearing out of nowhere. 

"It amuses me you know. How optimistic you people are. After a month of not seeing each other, this is the perfect topic of discussion.", said Remus Lupin exasperatedly.

"You are the one to talk, Lupin. 'My life is a mess. I'm a self proclaimed monster. I can literally earn my livelihood just by counting the number of scars in my body. I can create a swimming pool of self pity and drown there.'", mimicked Eleanor. 

The other three fell in fits of laughter and Remus went red in face, "Hey! I certainly do not talk like that." "Whatever helps you sleep at night wolfy boy.", remarked Eleanor.

"Leaving that aside, how were your holidays James, Remus and Pete? Don't look at me like that Elly. You have made it very clear that your hols were as bad as mine.", said Sirius with a chuckle. A chorus of fine, great, amazing were heard.

Suddenly the door to their compartment opened and in came Lily Evans with the shining Gryffindor prefect badge pinned on her dress. "Oh I see you have finally agreed to go on a date with me!", cheered James like a little girl he was.

"Potter, I literally spent the entirety of my last year explaining that I'll never go on a date with you. And before you say anything the reason is you prank innocent people and bully Severus mercilessly and you are an irresponsible, annoying, arrogant toe rag." 

Everyone other than James snickered at his expense. James' cheerful demeanor deflated immediately. "By the way I came to enquire that does anyone of you know who the other Gryffindor prefect is? No one seems to know. Longbottom is not the prefect. We need to get to the prefects' carriage. We are already running late."

"Sorry Evans. Wrong compartment.", said Sirius nonchalantly. 

Suddenly Remus cleared his throat and all the eyes turned towards him. He turned red as the attention was fully on him now and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly before stammering the words out, "Umm... I kinda forgot myself." then he took out a red and golden badge from his pocket and the other four marauders gasped as they noticed the word 'PREFECT' written in big, bold words.

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