Chapter 8

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It had been a week since the five had their conversation about the map and yet Remus couldn't find any spell which could help them with their quest

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It had been a week since the five had their conversation about the map and yet Remus couldn't find any spell which could help them with their quest. He was currently tutoring Amaira who was writing an essay on the inferies while Remus was nose deep in yet another Advanced Book of Charms for NEWT Level.

Amaira loved sorry, liked the extra help she was receiving. Not only was Remus kind and helpful but also an excellent teacher. Amy was actually surprised when Remus had conducted a quick surprise test and that she had gotten full marks in that.

Of course Remus was pleased with her work and he found her quite intriguing. He liked teaching and had tutored Peter on quite a few occasions over the years but Peter couldn't grasp the gist as quickly as Amy could and Remus couldn't help but look forward to their meetings in the library.

"Do you know what the Homunculus Charm is? I read it in a book over the summer but didn't understand what it did.", asked Amaira out of the blue. Remus who was still buried inside the book just hummed in response.

Amaira rolled her eyes and snatched the book from his hands. He looked startled at the sudden intrusion and was ready to give a piece of his mind to whoever dared to separate him from his true love when he caught sight of his precious book in the hands of none other than his 'student'.

"Do you even know that I was speaking to you?", asked Amy with an amused look as Remus shook his head.

She repeated her question and waited for him to answer as he pondered for a few seconds before answering, "It is used to track people. Why do yo- tracks people yes tracks people!!"

Suddenly he leapt to his feet giving Amaira a quick hug which of course caught her off guard and before she could reciprocate the gesture, he pulled away with a huge grin on his face as he gushed, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you so so much! You are a genius, Amy! You have been a great help. You don't know how much of a favour you have done to u- me!! I'll see you on Thursday."

With that he dashed out of the library to Merlin knows where, leaving the red faced prefect wide eyed and mouth agape in shock. Remus freaking Lupin just hugged her.

Remus raced towards their secret hideout and collided with something or rather someone as soon as he entered.

"Pete has done it."

"I got the answer."

Both Remus and Eleanor said simultaneously. Eleanor explained that after practising probably a million times Peter finally got the hang of the spell and was successful in executing it, his patronus being a rat. Peter was a bit disappointed though.
They also told Remus that Peter's marauder name was Wormtail.

After congratulating Peter, Remus launched into retelling his story and how Amy had given him the brainwave. "....and thus my lady and gentlemen, we'll be using the homunculus charm on our map." "I can't believe James couldn't think of this one. After all he prides himself on getting better marks in charms than Evans on several occasions.", mused Sirius.

"Tell me one incident Padfoot, where he actually had a good idea!!", chuckled Eleanor. James grumbled and crossed his arms like a five year old denied candy.

"So, Pete are you done with the map?", asked Remus. "Yep" and produced the parchment from his pockets. Sirius unfolded it and the four of them gasped.

"It's marvellous, Peter.", said Eleanor in admiration while the others nodded vigorously. Remus clapped him on the back, "Well done mate." Peter blushed furiously and thanked them.

"Now comes the fun part.", exclaimed Eleanor. "Does anyone know the incantation for the particular charm?", inquired Peter.

James had a smug grin as he replied, "As a matter of fact I do and I think I can perform the charm if I try." "Go ahead then."

After a few trials James could indeed perform the charm and slowly but steadily various names started appearing on the various points on the picture drawn by Peter. Footsteps were seen pacing here and there.

They could see Lily, Alice and Marlene in the library, Dumbledore in his office, Amaira still in the library, themselves in the abandoned washroom. The five of them couldn't believe their luck when suddenly James said, "But we cannot roam around with a live map of Hogwarts. It'll be soon confiscated."

Eleanor smirked, "Well, there's no harm taking a little inspiration from the muggles, is there? They protect their devices compooyers or compooters or something"


"Yeah whatever with passwords. So we can create our very own code or something."

"That's brilliant Quin."

"Oh stop it! You are making me blush."


"So? Did anyone of you come up with anything?"


"Okei... let's do one thing. I'll say a word, then one of you says another and this goes on till we find a decent password, right? Start anyone"


"don't "


"Bunch of idiots.. Start again"













"No!! Not no use"

Peter looked horrified as he repeated,"I solemnly swear that I am upto no use no not no use?" The other four groaned when Sirius suddenly perked up "I solemnly swear that I am upto no good!"

"Nice one, Pads!"

"That's actually a good one."

"Merci merci!!"

This time Eleanor grabbed her wand and muttered the spell as the writings slowly appeared on the sheet

"Messrs Moony, Wormtai, Padfoot, Prongs and Ms. Equine,

Purveyors of Aids to Magical Mischief - Makers

Are proud to present


"For what will we be using this map?", asked James. "Mischief", answered Peter enthusiastically. "So what shall be it's closing lines?"

"MISCHIEF MANAGED", the five marauders declared in one voice. 

And we love drama, thought Eleanor fondly to herself, twirling the bracelet on her right wrist absentmindedly.

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