Chapter 15

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They had lost the match to the Hufflepuffs

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They had lost the match to the Hufflepuffs. The badgers with Amos Diggory as their captain, attacked ferociously and their strategy was absolutely flawless. The Hufflepuffs didn't give any chance to counter attack and the lions lost the game by 20 - 180.


Remus and Peter waited and waited and waited when finally James, Sirius and Eleanor emerged from the locker rooms.

"What took you people so long?", asked Remus with a tired yawn.

"Fabian was trying to motivate and lift our spirits. Failed attempt though.", answered Sirius with an equally tired look while James looked so heartbroken that someone could easily assume that he was going through a rough break up.

"That bitch was so smug today! I mean it's okay. You won. Congratufuckinglations. Stop rubbing it on our faces.", exclaimed Eleanor, fuming.

"Ummm... which bitch?"

"Amos Brilliant Diggory! I don't know how his girlfriend puts up with that arse of a man!"

"His girlfriend is the seventh year Ravenclaw prefect right? Isabella Davies?"

"Yeah. She is so sweet and helpful. And so grounded.", remarked Eleanor.

"C'mon El. Diggory isn't that bad and you're just salty that you lost the game.", chuckled Remus. Eleanor grumbled something under her breath but no one really paid attention to her silent rant.


The five troublemakers aimlessly wandered through the corridors. James, Sirius and Eleanor's dejected demeanor caught up with their other two friends as well when Remus came up with a suggestion. "Do you have the marauder's map with you right now?", he asked.

"Yes. in my pocket.", replied Peter, handing the parchment to Remus.

"Looks like we just need a hint of mischief to get back on track.", proposed Remus with a shy smile.

Eleanor fake gasped, "Remmy! You're supposed to be the prefect!"

"Only this once, Quin. Filch is in the sixth floor."

"Then what the hell are we waiting for!?"

On reaching the sixth floor they saw Filch advancing towards them with a self satisfied smile, probably coming after checking upon a student in detention. He couldn't have seen them as they were safely hidden behind a pillar. It was nearly past curfew but the Marauders couldn't care less.

They shared sly smiles among themselves and as soon as Filch passed them, Eleanor who was proficient in transfiguration, turned his flip flops into eight inch pencil heels while James charmed his hair, multicolour. Remus and Peter added various accessories like earrings, necklace, bangles, etc. and meanwhile Sirius conjured water in his way for Filch to slip.

The five mischief makers doubled over with laughter but not a moment later they saw Filch removing the heels and chasing in their direction, barefeet and screaming, "Nasty students out of bed! Pulling pranks on school staff!"

James didn't have his invisibility cloak with him and the five of them opted for the only sane option. RUN.

The five giggling students ran for their lives but their jokes and occasional playful shoves slowed them down, leaving not much gap between Filch and themselves.

The corridor forked two ways and an idea came to Eleanor's mind. "Let's split. In that case at least some of us will be saved from detention."

They quickly nodded in affirmation and James, Remus and Peter opted for the left route while Sirius and Eleanor took flight to the stairs.

After being nearly thrown off the stairs multiple times, they ultimately reached the seventh floor, safe and in one piece. They ran the total length of the corridor in hopes of finding any place to hide or run but it was a dead end.

"And now is the time we give into our fates.", said Eleanor with a nervous chuckle. Sirius ran his hand through his raven hair while pacing up and down.

Though still not in their line of sight, they could hear Filch's ragged breaths inching closer. Neither of them would admit it but internally they were panicking, not wanting to earn a free trip to Minnie's office to lose house points.

And just as they had lost all hopes of escaping, a large door appeared out of thin air in front of the pair's eyes. Literally. 

A/N: I'm opting to go for a corny joke about how I was dead the past month to avoid confronting the embarrassing fact that I haven't uploaded for a month! * nervous chuckle *

I had a major writer's block and I was actually too lazy to type a chapter. I'm still very lazy so tada, here's an extra small chapter for you.

Next chapter I'm going for a new thing in my area of writing and i.e. fluff. There'll be Sirinor (couldn't come up with a better ship name) moments which I'll try to make as adorable as possible. Also I'm physically incapable of expressing feeling so it might be cringe. Sorry in advance.

Anyways happy reading. Please comment your thoughts and vote if you liked this chapter! Thank you!!

~ Srija :)

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