Chapter 14

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Peter looked like he was about to throw up

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Peter looked like he was about to throw up. "S- shall I call Professor Dumbledore or Madam Smith? Or Professor Mcgonagall.", stuttered Remus.

Peter who looked visibly ill shook his head, "No, Moony. All of us will get in trouble. I'm fine."

"Of course you're not fine, Pete! We need to inform an adult.", exclaimed Eleanor while Sirius and James skimmed through the notes in the hopes of finding something useful.

"Wait. Are none of you feeling nauseous? Other than Peter I mean", asked Remus looking ill with worry. They shook their heads as Eleanor inspected Peter's goblet.

James and Sirius looked at eachother and if via a telepathic connection, said, 'Could it be the leaf?"

The other three were acclimated to their weird telepathy and were no longer surprised by them saying the same stuff and therefore ignored their pointless suggestion.

"Or maybe it's because Peter here cannot perform a simple second year spell properly. C'mon Pete! You're in your fifth year. How can you not ace this?", Eleanor reprimanded.

"You know I'm not as good as you in transfiguration, El!", groaned Peter.

"Let's go to the hospital wing. Madam Smith can give you any potion to make you feel better."

"We can't let Madam Smith know about our plan."

"I think I can handle her questions. Let's see. Nevertheless, we can't play with your health.", saying this Eleanor turned to the remaining three, "You three go to the potions class and just tell Amy that it's code blue." and before anyone could ask her that what code blue meant, she was off, dragging Peter along with her.


"Anyone here?", asked Eleanor timidly entering the hospital wing along with Peter.

"Oh dear! What's the matter? Is anyone hurt?", asked Madam Smith with a worried expression.

"Oh no. It's that I might have been giving Peter transfiguration lessons and one spell might have not worked out for him and he might have drank water from a half transformed goblet and might have been feeling nauseous.", said Eleanor with an innocent smile.

"Oh it's nothing in that case. It happens every year. Hold on a minute, dear. Ah yes, here you go. Drink this, Mr. Pettigrew and off you go to your class. You'll be perfectly fine." said Madam Smith with a kind smile and went back to attend the other patients in the wing.

"Are we going to grace Professor Slughorn with our presence?" asked Peter with a smile gracing his features.

"Um...", Eleanor pretended to think for some time and whispered mysteriously, "I guess not, brother."


"Where's Sirius?", inquired Eleanor, plopping down on the seat beside James.

"Can't over the fact that his hair is not perfect." James shrugged as he took a waffle from Eleanor's plate.

"Hey! That's mine, you monster." James just winked cheekily at her helping himself with another waffle.

"Anyways El, you didn't tell us what happened yesterday? At the hospital wing?"

"Oh nothing. Peter drank a potion, felt fine and we spent the rest of the potions class in the kitchen with the elves. Speaking of which did you know that the elves love singing? We had so much fun with them singing and us dancing." James made a face at being left out and nicked some nuts from Eleanor's plate as a penalty for leaving them out of the fun.

"Hey chatterboxes!", greeted Sirius, ruffling Eleanor's well done hair. "Ugh! Don't touch my hair!", growled Eleanor. Sirius paid no heed to her threat as he said, "So what's the news? Ah, here comes Jeremy."

Jeremy dropped the Daily Prophet beside Eleanor's plate and helped himself with some titbits from her plate.

Eleanor was going to open the newspaper when something or rather someone hit her in the head. "What's with people and my head today!?", sighed Eleanor exasperated.

"Here! My hand still aches, dummy. You better treat me with butterbeer.", said the culprit, Amaira while handing the previous day's potions notes to Eleanor. "Godric, you're the best Amy! Thank you so much!", gushed Eleanor, her face alight.

"Umm Ames! What's code blue?", asked Remus, finally looking up from the defence against dark arts book that he was engrossed in.

"Code blue means, 'El is useless and needs me to copy the classwork for her!'"

"Well that's not what we had discussed in first year.", grumbled Eleanor. The others laughed and Remus invited Amaira to sit with them.

"No thank you, Rem. I need to complete my charms essay before the class starts."

"It's not due until the day after tomorrow."

"It's better to be ahead of the schedule." Amaira smiled and returned to the Slytherin table.

"Ames, huh?", smirked Eleanor as she opened the previously forsaken newspaper.

Remus' cheeks tinged pink while Sirius' eyes widened as he said, "What? Am I missing something? Is something going on between you two?" James and Peter looked at Remus with an eager expression while the latter murmured a 'it's nothing'.

The pestering of Remus was cut short when Eleanor looked up with a worried expression, "Third time in the same week."


"Mysterious disappearances. Muggle families. Some even found dead. Something is happening which we aren't aware of. It's been going on for quite some time now."

"Is this something to do with the Dark Lord or what's his name? Some narcissistic name he's got.", enquired James.

"He's the main suspect. Yes. If it's him then he's lying low at the moment.", answered Eleanor.

Their worries were interrupted when Fabian announced at the Gryffindor table that the Quidditch practice would be held later that day for their match against Hufflepuff.

Momentarily they all were relieved to divert their attention to something much happier but subconsciously, all of them knew that it was just beginning of something massive.

A/N: Hey! Updated after a long time. With the exams just a month away, I'm literally living a hellish life right now.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed the chapter. Consider voting and commenting if you did. Keeps me motivated.

So buh-bye for now. Stay safe! Love you. <3
~ Srija :)

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