Chapter 16

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A huge door in the middle of a deserted corridor appearing out of nowhere

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A huge door in the middle of a deserted corridor appearing out of nowhere. A bit suspicious right? Maybe but being two-fifths of the marauders, they were entitled to being reckless.

Seeing Filch approaching nearer, pushing the door open, Sirius swiftly grabbed Eleanor's hand and entered the mysterious territory.

The two of them closed the door behind them and stood slouching with their backs against the door. After a moment or so, they heard Filch shouting, "Disappearing devils! Devils in school! Beware!"

They listened intently for any signs of noise but heard nothing. Suddenly Eleanor starts laughing and that laugh was highly contagious and not a moment later Sirius too joined her and they were hysterical.

Sirius nearly had tears running down his face but managed to ask, "Why are we even laughing?" Eleanor who was in a similar situation just shook her head, unable to form coherent sentences.

Taking deep breaths Eleanor finally succeeded in calming herself and so did Sirius. This was the first time they were taking in the surroundings they were in. It was an odd place, like really really odd as it was kind of a small library with huge bookshelves standing tall and proud against each wall, a pillow fort at one corner of the room and a grand piano on the other side of the room.

It was way too sinister for Eleanor as it was everything she loved; the books, the pillow fort, she liked music but couldn't play the piano very well.

"Do you have any idea about what this place is?", she asked quietly, not wanting to ruin the serene atmosphere.

"Absolutely not.", answered Sirius in an equally quiet voice.

"I think I might know someone who might be able to tell us about this place." and before Sirius could ask who, Eleanor called, "Millie?"

But no one came. Eleanor called for Millie a couple more times but nothing happened. "Is it possible that this room is inaccessible even to the house elves?", asked Sirius.


Sirius then took the map out from his pocket and looked for any signs of danger in the corridor or nearby, "I can guard the door while you call for Millie or whoever you were calling."

So, following his words Eleanor cautiously went out of the room while Sirius stayed, standing at the door to prevent it from disappearing again.

"Millie?" Eleanor called out again and at that moment with a pop a sweet looking elf appeared. She had big, bright green eyes and big, bat like ears and looked up at Eleanor with adoration and admiration. Eleanor quickly took hold of her hand and brought the elf inside as the door closed behind the three of them.

"Millie could feel someone calling out for her but Millie could not locate where to go. Millie is extremely sorry for her bad behaviour.", said the sweet looking elf apologetically.

"Shh. There's no need to be sorry. I guess even the mighty house elves cannot apparate here. Anyways, nice to meet you again. This is one of my best friends, Sirius Black. The one I was talking about. And Sirius, this is Millie. She came to Hogwarts a month ago after the death of her last master." Eleanor spoke with a grin.

The house elf bowed low again, "Good evening, Master Sirius. Millie has heard a lot about you from Miss Eleanor and Master Peter."

Sirius smiled at being addressed so respectfully, "Good evening, Millie. So do you know what place this is? We have never even heard of such a room. Is it dangerous here?"

"All the house elves know about this place. We call it the Come and Go Room. We get everything we need except food. And it is safe here. There is no danger."

The two teens grinned at each other. "Thank you, Millie. This information was really helpful.", said Sirius gratefully.

"Would my master like some food?"

"Yes. That would be great if not a problem for you of course."

"Millie will bring the food then."

Millie returned to the kitchen to bring the promised food while Eleanor and Sirius stayed outside with the map in hand, in case someone thought of coming by. They didn't want to risk detention if that could be helped.

After a moment of silence Sirius spoke, "Millie is so not mean. Unlike Kreacher."

Eleanor gave him a look of understanding, "Well he idolises your mother. Also when Peter and I first met Millie, she was quite new here. We could easily guess that she didn't like being enslaved by her master. She seems quite happy at Hogwarts though."

Eleanor's thoughts wandered to her house elf, Lola who was a kind, old creature. She was kind to Eleanor even when her own family considered her as a blood traitor. Eleanor was very thankful. Her state was quite similar to Sirius' but she wasn't her uncle and aunt's own daughter. Their daughter was the light of the house and Eleanor was grateful as it shifted the spotlight from her.

She was, in every "respectable" pureblood's eyes, a speck of dirt in a polished society. She was the unwanted addition to the family of three but no one actually expected much from the offspring of two blood traitors to be any different.

After thanking Millie for the food, they went to search for a book each. While Sirius went for historical fiction, Sirius skimmed through the rows of science fiction.

"I don't particularly like science fiction. They seem boring.'' said Sirius out of the blue.

Eleanor who was now comfortably settled in the pillow fort with the book 'The Left Hand of Darkness' in possession, said without looking up, "and that's why you have divination while I have arithmancy."

Sirius sat down beside Eleanor with a chuckle. "So..? What about the other three?" he asked, feeling a bit guilty for leaving his other friends out.

"Well, we have the map with us. We'll just say Filch was still searching for us and we ended up wasting our time in the passage beneath the one-eyed witch statue." stated Eleanor matter of factly.

"Yeah that works as well."

Both of them started reading their respective books and while Sirius got pulled in it's world, Eleanor couldn't concentrate on the pages held in her hand. Her mind wandered to the peaceful and unproblematic presence beside her. She admired his well structured facial features but quickly caught herself before her thoughts could wander any further.

All of a sudden, an extremely weird thought invaded her mind. "I have a question," said Eleanor.

"Hmm?" replied Sirius, not paying much attention.

"Who was your first kiss?"

A/N: Okay, so I feel really proud of myself. Two chapters in two days. XD

Anyways, this chapter was not a fluff. I suck at that. I should stick to just simple narration. Also this is an odd ending to a chapter but this ROR thing is a long scene and it would've been an extremely long arse chapter if I had to add the whole scene. So next chapter will be a continuation of this scene. It will be the chapter which will actually have Sirinor moments. I hope I can express my thoughts in words without cringing to death.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please let me know your thoughts. Vote if you liked it. Thank you! <3

~ Srija :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2021 ⏰

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