Chapter 9

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Potions was downright pain in the arse for Eleanor

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Potions was downright pain in the arse for Eleanor. It was with Amaira's help in the class who thankfully was her potions partner that Eleanor could get atleast respectable marks in that stupid subject.

Eleanor could take help from Sirius who was a master in potion making, but according to Eleanor, him helping her would fuel his ego and nothing more. Stupid! She knew but then she had to forsake the chance to tease Sirius about him being Slughorn's favourite student along with Snape and Lily. More like comparing him and his precious hair with Snape and his greasy black mass.

Third period of the day and the marauders were already 'fashionably late' according to James and 'simply tardy' according to Remus to their potions class.

They entered the dungeons (flawless location for potions in Eleanor's opinion) five minutes before the class was supposed to start. James and Sirius as usual in front of the group and as they passed Snape's desk, James 'accidentally' knocked down his books and quills.

Cursing under his breath, Snape bent down to pick his stuff when a second pair of hands gathered his stationeries and kept them on his desk. Looking up, he saw that it was Eleanor who had helped him but instead of a smile or a thank you he turned his nose away from her direction.

Snape could never tolerate the marauders, not even Remus, Peter or Eleanor who never indulged in the Snape-James/Sirius conflicts, Eleanor even making efforts to stop her friends from crossing the line.

"Thanks", Lily said on Snape's behalf and received a warm smile. Eleanor made her way to her usual desk. "Oh! You're here?", asked Amaira absent mindedly.

"No! What are you talking about Amy? I'm in Sri Lanka.", said Eleanor rolling her eyes. They both chuckled at her statement when Professor Slughorn entered the classroom.

"Good morning everyone. Today we'll be making the Draught of Peace. Can anyone tell me what it is?", questioned Professor.

Four hands shot up in the air, the owners being Lily Evans, Remus Lupin, Severus Snape and Amaira Xander while a certain Sirius Black lazily waved his wand in the air. After the initial questions-answers sessions, the ingredients and methods appeared on the board and the students set to work.

After about twenty minutes of brewing, Eleanor spoke up, "So? How are your lessons with Remus going?". Amaira blushed and turned to look at Remus who was just behind them but it didn't go unnoticed.

Eleanor's eyes widened in realisation and smirked, "You know Ames, Remus thinks highly of you. Quite a bright student I hear him." "W-what no! That's rubbish..."

"Don't believe me? Okay then!! Moonyyyy!!" Remus jerked his head up as he heard Eleanor's voice "Don't you think Amy here is pretty... I mean pretty smart.", said Eleanor smirking slyly. Remus instantly looked flustered as he said, "Y-yeah.. She's good. You're really a great student, Ames. Now El, if you don't mind then I would like to get back to my work."

Still smirking Eleanor said, "Yeah, Moons. Please do continue." then turned towards Amy who looked more flushed than ever and said while adding the final porcupine quills, "I tell no lies."


"And the time is up.", bellowed Professor Slughorn. "Hmm... Mr. Snape and Ms. Evans, perfect as always. Your one too, Ms. Xander." He walked up to Sirius' cauldron and exclaimed, "Perfect, Mr. Black. I can see that potion brewing runs in your family. Young Mr. Black is quite a promising student."

Sirius' previously beaming face darkened at the mention of his brother but those who knew him extremely well like Eleanor saw the hint of pride in his eyes for his younger brother which contrasted his sulking expression.

"Your one is brewed quite well too, Mr. Lupin and Ms. Crosswood as well. Mr. Potter you need to lower the flame a little more to get the exact colour." After a bit more of scrutinizing the other students' potions, they were released.

"Mr. Snape, Mr. Black, Ms. Evans, Ms. Xander and Ms. Crosswood can you please stay after class? I would like to discuss some important matters.", called Professor Slughorn as they were hurrying out of the classroom.

Groaning internally, Eleanor grabbed Sirius' tie and pulled him towards their teacher. "Godric! You'll be the death of me!", remarked Sirius as he was mercilessly dragged by his best friend.

Professor Slughorn grinned at the little party and started, "I am glad to inform you that I would like you five to join my Slug Club for dinner next Thursday."

"But I have quidditch practice, Sir, with the Gryffindor team.", said Sirius instantly, desperate to get out of that boring dinner party. "Me too.", said Eleanor with the same desperation.

"Pity. Okay then, you two can join the others next time.", said the Professor, shaking his head regretfully.


"I never in my whole life wanted to play quidditch as much as want to on Thursday.", groaned Amy. Sirius and Eleanor quietly snickered as they made their way to the grounds.

"Thank goodness Fabian didn't ask us to try out for the team.", said Eleanor with a relieved sigh.

"Ha. Whom are you kidding, Quin? We three are the oldest members in the team. We have been there since our second year which is before Natalie Bernards joined and she's a seventh year. James is the best chaser we have, followed by you. And I'm the best Keeper they've had in ages. Remember our last Keeper, Steve Johnson? Couldn't save a single quaffle from entering.", exclaimed Sirius with a cocky smile.

"So humble.", teased Eleanor.

"I'm just stating fact, Crosswood. Facts."

A/N: Why do I even attempt to write these author notes. Oh, I remembered. To make a fool of myself. Whatever, I'm glad you are still reading this book. SO......... bye? (I can write a whole book on "The Difficulties of a Socially Awkward person.") I'm really bad in these A/Ns. I need to stop...ughh..

~ Srija :)

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