Chapter 12

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"Astronomy Tower."

"Perfect place for a secret meeting. What do you reckon El? Forbidden romance? Slytherin girlfriend?"

"Ughh just shut up Prongs."

James merely chuckled,"Do we spy on him?" "Of course! I mean it's against the Marauders unspoken book of rules to keep any secret partner."

James grinned slyly and sprinted upstairs to his dorm and came down with his invisibility cloak.


"I was born ready."


Eleanor and James headed towards the Astronomy tower being careful not to bump into any teachers or more importantly Filch, on their way. The corridors were dimly lit and as they hurriedly made their way, they failed to notice the figure emerging from the shadows and *thud* bumped straight into the person.

"Holy fuck"

"Merlin!! Remus, I didn't know that you could swear."

"What the hell Eleanor!! It's way past curfew, for Christ's sake!!"



"Silence you two. Someone's coming this way. Quick!! Hide"

James pulled his two best friends under the cloak just when a cloaked figure swished past them and up the stairs to the astronomy tower.

Remus opened his mouth to interrogate them for their nightly stroll when James cut him off, "Godric!! How did we never notice that Sirius is gay!?"

Remus looked at him incredulously and said,"What. Utter. Bullshit." Eleanor's expression was a mixture of shock, disbelief and 'WHAT. THE. FUCK."

"C'mon, we won't know anything standing here.", Remus voiced and the three followed in the direction of the mysterious lover.

The three mischief makers were greeted with the sight of Sirius Black smoking, leaning casually against the wall as his potential boyfriend approached him.

The hidden Gryffindors had to stifle a gasp so as to not blow their cover. They had no idea about his new addiction and the way he formed smoke rings, it was easy to guess that it wasn't his first time. Sirius passed his half burnt cigarette to the boy as he said in a forced calm voice, "Do you know the reason?"

"No", he replied curtly. Eleanor was sure she knew the voice. It was way too familiar.

"Why is she calling me after four years of no proper contact? I mean even you are not that naive to think that mother and father want to get candid with their blood traitor son."

Remus and Eleanor looked at each other as James whispered not so quietly, "It's bloody Regulus!!" Eleanor hurriedly covered James' with her hand but the damage had been done.

"Did you hear anything? Do you have any of your housemates waiting outside, Reg?", asked Sirius. Regulus looked around as he said, "Yes, I think I did hear a noise and no. No one is waiting for me. Your friends?"

Sirius looked thoughtful for a moment then looked right towards the source of noise. His eyes widened in realisation but lucky for him, Regulus wasn't facing him to see his reaction.

"No.", answered Sirius.

Although the invisible trio had escaped the exposure, they felt guilty for spying on their best friend seeing that it was a sensitive and private matter for Sirius.

Remus whose guilt-o-metre was always higher than an average person tugged the sleeves of Eleanor's shirt as he mouthed for them to return to their tower.


Reaching the Gryffindor tower the trio came out of the invisibility cloak and saw Peter sitting alone beside the fireplace, painting something.

"Where did you three go?" he asked, finally looking up from his work. "We'll tell you but I think we may have pissed Sirius off.", said Eleanor meekly.

"You definitely have, Eleanor."

A/N: Yes yes I'm not dead. All the pressure of exams, assignments, etc etc are killing me. Got a chance to escape from the dreadful reality so here I am with another update for you guys.

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~ Srija :) 

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