Chapter 7

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"How am I expected to tell the incantation clearly if I have a bloody leaf in my mouth!! I am HATING it!!!"

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"How am I expected to tell the incantation clearly if I have a bloody leaf in my mouth!! I am HATING it!!!"

"Well Padfoot, Moony, wasn't it exactly how we felt? We were siriusly thinking about giving up, weren't we? It was barking mad! But see! Here we are!!"

"Oh deer yes, it was such a blissful day. All of a sudden a dazzling white wolf comes bounding followed by a dog then a stag. What a day!"

"Oh shut it you two. Just because you were able to conjure your patronuses at the end of fourth year doesn't mean that you can rub it on our faces, Moose and Snuffles", retaliated Eleanor pointing an accusing finger towards a snickering James and Sirius while Remus just sighed shaking his head at their childishness.

They had started learning about their transformation at the end of their fourth in an abandoned bathroom which they knew no one would ever think of coming to. Eleanor and Peter were still stuck in the first step, unable to conjure a corporeal patronus while Remus, Sirius and James had already mastered that step.

"Ughh... Expecto Patronum, Expecto Patronum, Expecto Patronum, fuck everyone!", groaned Eleanor.

"Shoot. Gotta go guys. Bye", said Remus suddenly getting up and dashing out of the washroom.

"Oii where to?" "Tutoring" and with that Remus was out of sight.

"Well then, guess it's time for me to write my weekly poem for Evans. I'm bored being here anyways."

"I'm hungry and bored. I'm going to the kitchen. Anyone coming?", Peter asked his two remaining friends.

"No, I think I'll practice some more. You go ahead." and with that Sirius and Eleanor were the only two left behind.

"Are you staying?", Eleanor asked absent mindedly. "Yep. Can't miss witnessing the future blackmail material now, can we Elly?" Eleanor just rolled her eyes playfully and continued uttering her curse words mixed incantation.

After a few minutes Sirius spoke up out of the blue, "Your.. wrist movement is what's holding you back you know. Wait lemme help."

With that he stood behind Eleanor, her back against his muscular chest as he held her hand and guided her with the wand movement. She turned fully to thank him and in an instance both of them jerked apart when they noticed how close they were to each other.

Eleanor felt her face heat up as she stammered a thank you. She was weirded out by her actions.

She couldn't help but notice how his sharp jawline or his stormy grey eyes made him extremely handsome, not that she would ever tell him that. She didn't want to fuel his ego if that could be helped.

She shook her head to get rid of her ridiculous thoughts and concentrated on the memory when she, James and Sirius made it to the Gryffindor Quidditch team in their second year.

Eleanor muttered expecto patronum for a few more time and suddenly from the tip of her wand galloped a beautiful, dazzling white mare. She did it. Finally. She found Sirius leaning against the wall with a huge grin which matched her own.

"Now we need a name for you too. Only Pete's left then the Marauders can officially start their Animagi training."

"Yeah.. let's give the others the good news."

With that the two marauders bounded off to find the useless morons plus Remus. They were walking towards the Gryffindor tower when Eleanor sighed, "Three more weeks and we'll be done with that nasty mandrake business."

"Yes. I can't wait to throw this leaf in the potion and get rid of it."

"You know right we have to drink that awful looking green potion. Yuck."

"Hey don't insult my potion. I'm working VERY hard on it."

"Aww didn't know Snuffles cared so much about his potions. Getting an O in it then?", commented Eleanor with a playful smirk.

"First don't call me Snuffles, second yes I do care about the first potion I've ever made with care and real hardwork and third of course I'll be getting an O in all the subjects."

"Yeah yeah whatever."


Later that night the five of them were seen huddled together on the couch near the fireplace which they claimed to be theirs. The common room was empty with them being the only inhabitants. The portrait hole opened and they immediately fell silent.

Suddenly James started fixing his hair and spoke loudly, "Next Hogsmeade trip, are you up for our date, Evans."

"Not even in your wildest dreams, Potter.", saying that Lily made her way to the girl's dormitory while the other four silently snickered at James' expression.

"Don't worry mate. One day she'll come around", chuckled Sirius patting him on the shoulder. "Okay, now back to the topic. Lena's marauder name."

"How many names do I have, Prongs?"

"Umm. Eleanor"






"What? That's ridiculously stupid even for your standards!"

"Okay children, can we stop drifting away from our topic of concern?"

Suddenly Peter squeaked,"How about Mare? It sounds good?"

" That is literally my!!"


"Absolutely not!!"

"Just a suggestion!!", James raised his hands in mock surrender.

"Saddle, Bridle, Girth?"

"Shut up Prongs!!"

"Prance, trot?"

"How about kick-James-where-the-sun-doesn't-shine?"

"Geez... no violence, woman!!"

Eleanor shook her head in disbelief. "How about Equine?" It was Remus who spoke after a few moments of peaceful silence. "Equine. Has a nice ring to it..", Sirius said with a smile.

"What does it mean", questioned Peter. Eleanor answered for Remus, "Related to a horse. Yes!! It's brilliant!! YOU'RE BRILLIANT!!" "So, Equine it is!"

"So Pete, how much could you complete? The map I mean", asked Sirius yawning wide. "Only the Slytherin side is left. It'll be complete by I guess the day after tomorrow..", Peter answered.

"Did anyone find any charm, spell anything?", it was Eleanor who spoke. "Nah!!" came a chorus of answers.

"I'll be spending my evenings in the library with Amy... Don't look at me like that. It's just Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday. I'll search from the books in the restricted areas as well..", Remus declared while getting up from his spot. "And how will you get access to the restricted section?"

"I have my ways"

A/N: Hiya!! So how are you all? Yea, yea I'm fine thank you!! Sorry that was lame. Anyway, did you like the chapter? Was it a bit scattered? I don't know. Please consider voting and constructive critisism appreciated.

Okk bye!!

~ Srija :)

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