Morning After

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SO...A little backstory- you know what? I'll just post the screenshot here:

A little backstory- you know what? I'll just post the screenshot here:

Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. let's begin! I had to tweak some stuff, so it won't be Aleena's bachelorette party, because then I got the reminder of how Lloyd wouldn't exist, so that was torture,'s Lia's bachelorette party! Yay! 
This plan is not flawless, I'll admit...BUT DEAL WITH IT OR FACE THE WRATH OF ALI GOLD-
Eliza_Cameronthe_quiet_jadeTheSapphireNinjalia-rxse ENJOYYYY 3000 words of chaos!

Okie, enjoy!!

Markos pushed open the door, "Presenting, soon-to-be sister in law, YOUR BACHELORETTE PARTY!"
Lia blinked in confusion and horror, "What? B-But I have work, and wedding planning, and...we need to leave-"
She was cut off by Aleena gripping her by the shoulders, "Relax. Ali called your office, told them you had a really contagious disease called Kiaitis, Wu and Nya are taking over with wedding planning, so we can enjoy ourselves and make your last night of freedom so worth it!"
The bride-to-be opened her mouth to complain but was again cut off by Eliza, "And do not worry about the cost. I pulled some strings, so everything is free. We've got this condo rented for the night and the next few days if you're up for some sightseeing, we've got an amazing view of the city...come on!"

The condo in question was amazing. So sleek and modern, with full-length windows overlooking the city at nighttime. Lia simply couldn't resist; it was as if the room was calling to her...
"Alright, alright! But I have some rules. No strippers, no strip clubs, no weird sashes, and no photos, okay? Let's keep this super chill and lowkey, and maybe not break any laws?"
"Yeah, sure, anyways..." Ali grabbed Lia's arm, steering her towards the kitchenette, "This is Mystaké. She'll be serving us with the first round of drinks, which I do hope you'll enjoy...Mystaké! How are you?"

The woman brought out a tray weighed down with cocktail glasses filled with a red-orange liquid, a cherry on top with a sugar rim, "Enjoy. I'll see myself out later..."
Everyone took a glass, holding it in the air. Markos nudged Lia, "Will you do the honours?"

Lia sighed. When she said she wanted a bachelorette party, she meant a simple game night with the squad, accompanied by alcohol and junk food. Maybe a movie or six too.
But the idea of going crazy, causing havoc around town was very tempting, and she easily gave in.

"Here's to my last night of freedom!"
"Ayy, that's my girl!"
"I'll drink to that!"
"That's the spirit!"

Clinking glasses, they chugged down the alcoholic drinks, ready to start their unprepared night of mayhem.


Daylight seeped through the huge windows, shaking Markos awake, slowly but surely. He was crashed on the floor, an empty Doritos bag in his hand. Aleena was snoring away upside down on the armchair, whilst Lia was...asleep on the kitchen island? Ali had fallen asleep on top of Eliza, who was dangerously close from falling onto the floor off the sofa.
A long hiss ran a chill up his spine as he looked to see a large yellow snake slither across his abdomen. Letting out a high pitched scream, he jumped up and scurried onto the sofa, nearly knocking off Aleena in the process.

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