Prompts Challenge

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for two members of the SS (platonic) Comment who'd be character A, and who'd be Character B :)



A: "Hey, I didn't kill anyone today!"
B: "What do you want? A gold star?"

Person B holding objects high above their heads to watch Person A struggle to jump and get it. Person A kicking Person B in the shins to make them drop the object. Person A launching themselves off furniture to get the object from Person B.
Person A waiting until B is asleep, then standing on the bed and pouring a cup of cold water on them from a great height while yelling, "WHO'S THE TALL ONE NOW, FUCKER?!"

"This is, by far, the stupidest thing you've ever done."

"You're my best friend, you're supposed to deal with the second-hand embarrassment!"

B: *smirk and middle finger*

A to B: "I'm serious. Take your medicine or I'll forcibly shove it down your throat."

A to B: "Look, I love you, too, but if you keep telling people you're my grandchild, I'm going to scream. I'm not that old, you know?"

A to B: "Our organization is extremely covert, but your friends have caught me at your place a few times picking you up. I just found out that you've been telling them I'm your hysterical aunt who calls you every time she has a new heartbreak. Really? You couldn't come up with a less embarrassing cover?"

A to B: "This guy is being a creep and won't leave me alone. Will you pretend to be my overprotective older brother for five minutes?"

Person A helps Person B dye their hair and it goes horribly wrong. Dye is everywhere except for in B's hair, some gets in A's hair, it's in B's eyebrow but only part of one lmao.
Bonus if Person C is an actual hairdresser but they're away and when they get back they're like "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED HERE???"

A and B are chilling at the park waiting for this new club to open. A keeps pointing out people that meet B's type, and B is trying to nap, so B is ignoring A.

A: "Why can't you chill?"
B: "Bitch, I'm chill"

A to B: We're coworkers undercover, and you just called me your best friend, and I know it wasn't real but honestly you're my best friend too and I really want to tell you now.

B: don't underestimate my stupidity, A

Imagine A and B going to Ikea. Does one of them know how to pronounce the names of things or do they both badly butcher everything?
Bonus: Person C is the one that corrects persons A&B's pronunciations. The party pooper 

A to B: "If you don't get on that tricycle THIS INSTANT, so help me..."

"I'm not gonna reenact that tiktok with you. Forget it."

"What if we like...fake a proposal to get a free meal?"

Person A: Hey, uh B?
Person B: Yeah?
Person A: Why are you crying?
Person B, with tears actively streaming down their face: I'm not crying!? 

Drawing Prompt: A and B stuck in the woods at night
Bonus: A hearing a sound and jumping into B's arms
(ngl, james and markos for this one-)

A and B playing Jenga

A: "Oh, GOD! Did you HAVE to!?"
B: "Well, if you don't like it, then I'll just take it back."
A: "You can't take back a cORPSE-"

A: I guess we have something in common
B: You eat Popcorn when you're depressed too?

A to B: Who do I need to kill?

A: You look like crap.
B: Thanks

A to B: There's this new guy/girl at school and I think I'm in love

A to B: PLEASE tell me that wasn't permanent marker

A to B: Oh honey...

A to B: Eh, we're both going to hell anyway

A to B: I'm disowning you

A to B: You know you love me

A to B: Did you seriously take 70 selfies on my phone? THAT ISN'T POSSIBLE I HANDED IT TO YOU TWENTY SECONDS AGO-

A to B: You look fine as hell


A to B: If all else fails, we should just get married.

A to B: You're basically home to me

A to B: Roadtrip. You, me, the world! 

A: If we are walking together, please take into consideration my tiny legs. I can't keep up with you. Please think of my tiny legs I don't want to be jogging to keep up with your leisurely stroll you TITANS
B: Just get a pair of roller skates and hang onto my sleeve, we don't have all day.

A to B: Oh no no, please stop crying-

A to B: I can't lose you like this

A: "I'm invited? I thought you said holiday celebrations were a family only event."
B: "You are family." 

A: "That might be your dumbest idea yet"
B: "So... We're doing it?"
A: "Hell yeah we are"

A to B: "There's a ghost haunting your apartment and your first priority is whether you can charge them rent?"

A to B: We reached for the same book at the same time and listen here I've combed through 3 libraries and 5 floors for this I am not giving it up

A: "You don't have to do all this just for me..."
B: "Nonsense! This is the first [insert holiday/celebration/event] since we met you, of course we're pulling out all the stops." 

[text message]
A to B: 'If you're gonna blast 'If I Die Young' every time you stub your toe, can you at least put on some headphones? I can hear it all the way over here you klutz'

C: God help the person dating B
A: I'm dating B
C: My condolences

A: If I run and jump at B, they will most certainly catch me. COMING IN!! *runs at B*
B: NO I'M HOLDING COFFEE *drops coffee on floor and catches person A*

A: If I run and jump at B, they will most certainly catch me. COMING IN!! *runs at B*
B: *awkwardly steps out of the way, sending A flying*

A: Look, I get it. You're jealous. I'd be jealous too if someone was better than me at everything their whole life.
B: Oh, no.
C: [scoffs] Not everything. I have more allergies than you.
B: Not the best brag.
A: I have so many allergies, I just found out I'm allergic to chia seeds!
B: But apparently effective.
C: I'm allergic to chia and acai berries!
A: Yeah? My throat gets scratchy when I eat stone fruit!

A: All right, look, B. I never had a brother, but I know four guys who did, and they would have fights and squabbles, but in the end, they always had each other's shells.
B: Are you talking about the Ninja Turtles?
A: Of course I'm talking about the Ninja Turtles!
B: Ugh.
A: Look, if something happens to your brother, you are gonna regret it, just like Raph regretted it when he abandoned Leo in the Technodrome with Krang.
B: I don't know what that means.
A: Well, that's on you. It's a classic.

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