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the reason some text looks like this is because this was written in interview form. the text that looks like this was what vibi and eliza were saying to the audience. same applies for the house tour chapter and the francais chapter

"We need sugar. Where's the sugaaaarrrrrrrrr?"

A laugh was heard, as Soomi sprinted out of the kitchen, where a pan on the stove was bubbling with a thick clear liquid, a bowl of fresh berries kept to the side with wooden skewer sticks on baking paper.

The smell of berries and sugar filled the air, the scent growing stronger and stronger in the direction of the kitchen.

Eliza was sat on the counter whilst Vibi dipped a skewer of grapes into the pot of syrup, covering each green sphere with the glossy coating.

"The ratio is off," The songbird murmured.

"Yeah, because we haven't made it in a while," Vibi responded, setting it aside to cool on the baking paper, "It's a little burnt but- here, you do one, unnie."

Vibi: This is actually a Chinese traditional snack but it's hard to find it here in Ninjago City. There is a seller downtown but the fruits are never fresh and it's not that great.

Eliza: I still remember trying to make it with Elf. The kitchen nearly burnt down. There was too much sugar and not enough water and then the sugar fell into the fire and- it got bad...

Vibi: This is also our way of spreading our culture and teaching the others about our heritage. The last time we made this, it turned out really good but that was months ago, so the recipe's a little off

Eliza submerged a stick of strawberries into the pot, using a spoon to coat it evenly before lifting it out again, wafting off the residue and letting it set with the others.

Now that the first batch had set, it was time to taste it. Eliza bit into one, chewing thoughtfully, giving an impressed nod, "A little burnt but...it's warm."

Vibi took the stick from Eliza, taking a bite, nodding in agreement, "Mm! It's not too bad! I mean, I'd eat this, obviously not all of it but...it's nice-ish."

"The sugar is a little too carmellised," Vibi's companion added, taking another bite, "Not bad but...not so great either...maybe Markos or James might like it?"

Vibi tipped out some cat food in a bowl, setting it aside for the little grey cat before collecting all the used pots and spoons, dumping them in the sink, "We'll let this set and then see if they like it or not."

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