this is what happens when you let cho and elfi cowrite a book...

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"I'm sorry, Y/N, I just don't have feelings for you," Jason stated, slipping his hands into his pockets. From afar Y/N noticed the three bitches of the school whispering among themselves and snickering, "Oh, Y/N, to think Jason even sees you as a person! He's way outta your league!"

Y/N trembled in her spot, staring up at Jason, "B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-ut you s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-s-said that..." 

The male interrupted her, "That was before I learnt you dated my evil step brother Draco."Tears in her multicoloured orbs, Y/N pushed past the laughing crowd of students, running as fast as her miniature legs could take her, her blonde hair swishing around wildly past her waist. 

She arrived at the rooftop of the building, where rain poured down like no tomorrow. Jumping onto the ledge, Y/N took a deep breath and sung in her squeaky screechy ratchet angelic voice that puts the school choir group to shame, "THIS IS MY FIGHT SONG, TAKE BACK MY LIFE SONG, PROVE I'M ALRIGHT SOOONG!!" 

By now a small crowd had formed and they watched Y/N in awe, completely mesmerised by her beauty and 1'6 height. She truly was not like the other girls.

Jason came to Y/N and wrapped his arms around her. "I'm sorry Y/N" he said. "I didn't realize that I was in love with you. But now I've realized." He smiled and bent down on his knee, There were airy gasps among the crowd, the loudest one from Y/N. 

"Y/N, will you mar-"Suddenly, Jason was knocked by a boy who 56'5 feet tall and had banana coloured hair. Draco. Her ex. 

"Y/N IS MINE!" He yelled and rotated Jason's head a full 360 degrees. 

As Y/N opened her mouth to say something, she began to glow. The crowd watched in awe as 1'6 feet tall girl floated in the air. Her hair turned from the usual blonde to Rainbow. tiny, thin, fluttery, farty wings popped out from her back. 

Y/N stopped spinning and floated down to the ground, wearing a huge and revealing rainbow ballgown with a magic wand in her hand. She pointed it at Draco who was soon destroyed with the power of Friendship. 

"YOU DID IT!" Jason shouted and they shared a passionate kiss. "I do wish to marry you Jason." Y/N said after they parted. 

The crowd of cheered at the newly wed couple. Out of the corner of her eye, Y/N could see the three female dogs of the school fuming and stomping their feet in anger. 

She looked back at her husband. She smiled. 

She was definitely the most happiest and quirkiest girl on the planet.

But then, Draco returned, angrier than ever, this time holding a wand and a thick book of spells, "JASON, I'M GONNA CRUSH YOUR HALFBLOOD LITTLE ARSE EVEN IF IT'S THE LAST THING I DO!!"

Y/N jumped out of her new husband's arms, running over to her ex before Jason could get his hands on him, "Jason, baby, it's okay! He'll listen to me!"

Shakily, she reached up and stroked Draco's cheek, coaxing him to lower the wand, "Draco, bubba, this isn't you 🥺🥺🥺 d-d-d-d-on't do this...🥺🥺🥺🥺."

Draco looked at the girl, betrayal filling his emerald orbs, "You betrayed me, Y/N. This is the new me now. The new emo me who doesn't give a shit about nothing and no one!"

Y/N's multicoloured neon glowing orbs filled with tears. In a shaky voice, she stuttered out so quietly only Draco could hear, "L-l-like a small boat...on the ocean...sending b-big waves...into mo-sh-sh-sh-shion..."

Draco's stone cold demeanour collapsed, "I'm sorry I killed your parents before you were born, Y/N. My beautiful, precious Y/N."

"It's okay...I....I...I'll love you e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-either way..."


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