house tour

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aka master_of_positivity's bday special! i took down ss: iawne and am posting the shorts here :) no i am not 3+ months late to vibes' bday XDD

Vibi stood by the front pathway, leading to a beautiful Victorian-Styled mansion, complete with several storeys and fancy windows and doors, painted in several shades of grey. Plants of different varieties were set to grow in a neat pattern around the house.

With a big grin on her face, she waved into the camera which she gripped by the tripod.

"Hey guys! Today I am giving you guys a tour of the official SIMPSQUAD house! This has been on request for a while, and there are a lotta rooms to go through, so let's go!" She pushed open the gates, sprinting up the pathway and to the front door, pushing it open and letting herself in, closing the door behind her.

Vibi: We brought this house back in like, December. Well, actually Markos brought it. Technically Cho did, since she took his credit card. We fell in love with the house and added our own style and touch and it's been home ever since.

The lobby was shown into view, a large set of staircases at both ends of the room, "So here, we have a large picture which we glued- yes, glued- onto the wall. It's a bit of a long story, and it's been stuck ever since, thankfully. That painting is so freaking heavy!"

She continued walking, leading everyone into a larger room complete with cosy carpeting, a huge sofa, large flatscreen TV, several random pictures and trinkets, lots of cat beds and a large dining table on the other end of the room. A large pink cannon was parked idly in the corner of the room, and behind it stood a cardboard cutout of Rick Astley.

"Both these-" she pointed to the cannon and famous singer, "-were impulsive buys by Elfi and Cho, unsurprisingly. And this empty fishtank. I have no idea why it's there-"

"CANNONBALL!!!!" The vlogger ducked just in time, as Markos yeeted a crystal into middair, scoring it right into the fishtank.

"SCORE!! LMAO! Ooh, hi vlog, I'm Markos LMAO!"

The camera wobbled slightly as Vibi held it straight, laughing weakly and walking towards the adjoining kitchen, where a sign read, "ALI REI GOLD IS FORBIDDEN TO APPROACH WITHIN 25CM OF THE CULINARY PREMISES."

Below that, in swirly ink read, "Hahaha, NOTHING CAN STOP THE ELF WHEEEEEEEEEE-"

"This is the uh- kitchen..." Vibi dodged past the sign, entering the room. Counters bordered the walls, and an island was built right in the centre, accompanied with several barstools. A large oven and microwave took up a section of the wall, and the sink overlooked the garden outside, which contained 3 RVs, another separate building, a large treehouse containing a wooden hut, and a second, third and fourth tree, adjourned with fairy lights. One had extra birds fluttering around it, and below the trees was an outside dining set, seemingly cosy. A very large hole was dug on the far end of the garden, but covered up by a trampoline. A huge pool and jacuzzi took up a considerably large amount of space.

Within one of the RVs, James could be spotted examining his collection of cheese. Looking up, he waved maniacally at the camera, wacking his hand on the roof of the RV in the process. Face scrunching up, he collapsed into his seat, letting out an inaudible scream.

Heh...back to the kitchen/laundry room!

Sat cross-legged on the island counter, Elfi was aggressively stirring the life out of some mixture, whipping the living soul out of the poor thing. With her was a taller female with blonde highlights. She was measuring out ingredients, screaming out instructions over her shoulder.

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