| 9 | Tae-Yeon

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| Major Warning | During this chapter, there is mention of familial rape. Please keep this in mind! I do not want to trigger anyone, or make anyone uncomfortable, so if you can't stomach this type of content, then skip over the writing in italics. Thank you for reading, and I hope you continue to read this story. Btw, another thing, I am not romanticising the abuse or torture! I do not promote this type of relationship in any kind of way.

You fidgeted nervously with your fingers as Officer Seungbae drove. He still hadn't told you where the both of you were going. Maybe he was taking you to the police station?. . . But at this time, it might not be a good idea because he was pretty sure neither of them had enough evidence to get Sangwoo arrested.

Sangwoo might find some way to shift blame. You gulped at the mere thought of that. Though you were scared to ask, you just came out with the question. "What are we going to do?" Your voice was very soft as you questioned the officer.

The man gave you a quick glance before turning his attention back to the road. "Well, at the moment, I'm not really sure. . . I thought that we might be able to get Sangwoo taken into questioning and get his house searched if we brought you into the station for a statement. But I think I'm underestimating his intelligence." You rolled your eyes.

"Oh, you have no idea how slick that bastard can be. Wait, you have no evidence?" You sighed forlornly. Seungbae smiled wryly at the question.

"I haven't been able to get into his house. My own team won't give me permission to work with them or enter that damn Oh's house and these past few days, Sangwoo hasn't left without ensuring his house is properly locked up. I tried many times to get even a glimpse at the password but he always manages to block it from my line of sight, as if he knows I'm watching him do it." Why does he always have to be so cautious? Makes it harder to catch him in the wrong. That asshole.

"Ugh, what are we gonna do then?. . ." You groaned.

"We can discuss what to do later. For now, just. . . Relax. You look so tired." You didn't want to admit it, but it was true. The whole day left you feeling so fatigued. You were fearing Sangwoo finding you again, but you constantly convinced yourself he wouldn't find you just yet.

"Please, don't. . . Kidnap me." You couldn't help but blurt out in your moment of sleepiness as you rested your head against the car window. Seungbae couldn't help but let out a small chuckle.

"I promise I won't." With those reassuring words, you drifted off to sleep.

| Time Skip |

"My cat!" Was the first thing you gasped as you awoke from your long sleep. Yang turned to look at you. The car was in park.

"Cat?. . ." Yang queried. You blinked sleepily, rubbing at your eyes. That was the first peaceful sleep that you'd had in months. With a sigh, you nodded your head.

"Sangwoo saved this cat for me. . . I left it at his house. He might harm (K|n) because I left." Yang shook his head and placed his strong hands over your own.

"He certainly won't do that. He seems attached to you. Surely, he'll keep this kitten alive, for your sake. As long as you are alive, that cat will be." You felt only a little comforted by Yang's words. You let out a shaky breath before deciding to change the topic, not wanting to dwell about your kitten because you were afraid that you might end up spiralling into madness if you kept thinking about it.

"So. . . Where are we exactly?" Seungbae pulled his hands away. He then sat there in silence, taking his time to form an appropriate response.

"I decided that since you were associated with Sangwoo, to do a little digging into you and your background." Yang informed you unexpectedly. What, he was stalking me too?! You forgot about your previous question as your gaze sharpened angrily. He didn't want to think about that man he'd left in his past. Nor the woman that abandoned him.

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