| 12 | Scissors

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| Trigger Warning | This chapter heavily deals with violence, abuse and mentions of a potential rape. Please read with caution.

You stared dully as Sangwoo dragged Yoonbum's bloody corpse out of the basement. You softly chuckled bitterly to yourself as you stared at the boy's bloody neck. I caused that. I killed him like that. . . I willingly killed him. Fucking hell, I've really gone crazy. . .

You laid an arm over your eyes, taking in a deep, shaky breath. How much longer were you going to be in this world? You truly felt defeat now. The hope that you'd harboured that you would be able to get Sangwoo jailed had been extinguished the moment you heard Sangwoo's voice on the other side of your mother's apartment door.

You lifted the arm, eyeing the wound on your shoulder that had yet to be treated. The dirty scissors that Yoonbum had stabbed you with was stained with your warm blood. The red substance very slowly dripped out. Seeing that infuriated you. You thought that this wound might aid you in a quick death. However, from the looks of it, you weren't dying anytime soon.

Unless. . . You quickened your death yourself. You had the perfect opportunity to after all. Sangwoo was distracted with clearing up the bodies, which meant in the time he was gone, you could stab yourself to death with these scissors which were still embedded in the flesh of your shoulder.

You wanted to pull out the scissors, but all of a sudden, you arm felt really heavy. Were you. . . Hesitating? Finally, your hand wrapped around the scissor handles but you didn't pull them out immediately. Should you really just go like this? This would mean that Sangwoo had won. And that all those lives that ended in order for your protection would be in vain.

You'd been fighting for so long. . . You had to win this battle. No matter what. Death was the easy way out. You knew that there was someone still out there, hoping that you'll finally come home. You had to live for her. Live for Dae. The one of the few people who had faith in your survival. But. . . At the same time, you were being driven to the edge by Sangwoo's abuse.

He got angry over the stupidest of reasons and beat you like you deserved it. Did you really want to try and find an escape whilst suffering at his hands?. . . This constant back and forth in your mind made you hesitate greatly. .

"What do you think you're doing? Planning to kill yourself after dragging me into your bloody mess?" Queried a chilly voice. You almost jumped out of your skin at the unexpected query. Fuck. I took too much time thinking about it. . . You'd lost your chance at killing yourself. Maybe that was a good thing? Though you'd originally felt defeated, a newfound determination began to flood your body.

I can do this. . . I will get him fucking jailed and I'll escape him no matter what. You had to live for Dae. You couldn't bear to hurt her when she was still waiting for you to come home. The only way you could lengthen your survival and lessen the amount of abuse you were subjected to. . . Was to become Sangwoo's dream lover. You didn't want to give Sangwoo the satisfaction that he thought he broke you but at this point, you had no choice. Just suck it up! I can do this.

Though anxious, you made eye contact with Sangwoo, smiling wryly. A response just about managed to leave your chapped lips. "It was hurting me, I just wanted to pull it out. . . That's all." You lied, hoping your nervousness didn't betray your original true intentions.

You couldn't help but flinch when the blonde unexpectedly burst into laughter. You couldn't fathom as to what Sangwoo found humorous in this current situation. The blonde suddenly gripped you by your hair and pulled your face close to his own.

"It seems to me that you were thinking about an easy way out of not facing all your murders." You almost replied with, "The murders that you made me commit, you sick fucker.", but miraculously, you managed to keep your mouth shut. You knew what happened when you made Sangwoo super angry. You knew though that despite holding yourself back, Sangwoo might still find the most ridiculous reasons to beat you. For now, you'd have to cope. If you didn't complain, maybe he'd put his trust in you again and be under the assumption that you wouldn't leave his side no matter what.

ᒪITTᒪE ᔕTᗩᒪKEᖇ (ᔕᗩᑎGᗯOO Oᕼ ᙭ ᗰᗩᒪE ᖇEᗩᗪEᖇ) | Completed |Where stories live. Discover now