| 13 | Blood

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| Warning | This chapter has mentions of familial abuse, rape, physical abuse and also mentions of potential animal abuse (no animal is actually harmed though!!!) Please read with caution.

Sangwoo had been ready to unbuckle his belt when M|n unexpectedly began to scream at him, calling him. . . Dad. The blonde's hands faltered and his eyes were flooded with confusion.

He glanced down at his hands, trying to figure out why now of all moments M|n had called him 'dad'. He'd been about to fuck him. . . It didn't take long for him to put the pieces of the puzzle together. His father had fucked him?. . .

This realisation had him reeling back in disgust. He slapped a hand over his mouth, his panicked eyes roving over the pitiful, trembling man in front of him. His stomach churned and his mouth grew dry as memories of the past tried to force their way into his mind.

His mother. . . Had done the same thing. She fucked him. As a way. . . To relieve the stress, she told him. That was her reason every single time. His father's abuse was always intense and violent, and to deal with this never-ending cycle of pain and upset, she used his body. . . To try and transport herself anywhere but here.

Sangwoo used to accept this, letting her do whatever she wanted with his body. But as time passed, the male couldn't understand why she didn't attempt to relieve her stress through other means instead of just using him all the time. Hell, if she'd been smarter, she would've been able to find a fucking way for the both of them to escape this hellhole that they'd been trapped in for so many years.

Instead, she continued to fuck him. . . And every time she did, it felt like a small part of him died on the inside. His anger now turned to his dead mother. He no longer thought of Seungbae and M|n's relationship as his memories consumed him.

His hand curled into a trembling fist. He'd managed to supress these memories for longer this time but those simple words that escaped M|n's lips made it all come rushing back and he was unsure on how to feel now.

The only feeling he was sure of was that he no longer felt like fucking M|n as punishment. All he could think about was his damned mother. . . The woman he used to think of as his saviour. The only angel in his life. It all changed the moment she decided that he would be the perfect way to distract herself.

Sangwoo grit his teeth, pushing down these many different emotions that he was experiencing. He turned his eyes onto the shaking M|n. He was still crying. Sangwoo frowned. How could he make the boy smile again? He reached out, gently stroking M|n's hair. It was as if he'd never lashed out in the first place.

"Hey, don't cry. Otherwise you won't be able to see K|n. . ." Sangwoo murmured. M|n took a look at him through his tears. He was clearly bewildered but the blonde took no notice as he walked out of the room to hunt for that kitten that he'd spared on a number of occasions.

The runt was somehow covered in blood when Sangwoo found him. K|n was in his own little world, having yet to notice Sangwoo coming over. Usually, whenever the young cat saw the other, he made a run for it. It ticked the male off but miraculously, he managed to resist the urge to snap the creature's neck.

Sangwoo made his way over to the cat in a few, quick strides, not giving the kitten any chance to escape him. For the first time in weeks, the male successfully grabbed the cat before it could flee.

His calloused fingers gripped K|n by the scruff of his neck. K|n put up a great fight but much to his dismay, his little paws did not faze the murderer who was holding him.

Sangwoo re-entered the room where M|n lay. He was no longer snivelling, but was instead looking up from his spot on the futon, watching him anxiously.

The male rolled his eyes. He walked up to M|n and tossed the kitten onto his stomach. "Here, have your stinking cat. . ." He grumbled.

ᒪITTᒪE ᔕTᗩᒪKEᖇ (ᔕᗩᑎGᗯOO Oᕼ ᙭ ᗰᗩᒪE ᖇEᗩᗪEᖇ) | Completed |Where stories live. Discover now