| 5 | Min Jieun

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Sangwoo's lips were curved up in a manic grin as he searched for his dear (M|n). Though he didn't show it on the outside, on the inside, he was scared, so scared. Had he actually managed to escape? Of course not! He had a foot missing and couldn't see shit, that bastard couldn't have gone far. . .

He immediately caught Yoonbum once he finished counting. The boy was way too easy to catch. But (M|n) on the other hand. . . Was a real challenge. He both detested and loved it.

It gave Sangwoo a thrill whenever (M|n) disobeyed him. The younger wouldn't go down without a fight. His tongue slowly ran itself across his dry upper lip at thought of his disobedience.

He would find (M|n). Well, that's what he kept telling himself to keep from going crazy at the thought of his beloved managing to escape him. Yes, Yoonbum was with him but Sangwoo didn't feel that much of a strong attachment. His feelings laid with (M|n). This crush, this freakish love, had been with him ever since high-school. He was never going to let it go.

It felt like a godsend to him when he found (M|n) snooping around in his house with Yoonbum. Now, he was never going to let (M|n) leave him.

Sure, he'd tease the boy with dangling freedom in front of him, but he didn't intend to let him actually leave.

(M|n) was definitely going to be punished for managing to get so far away from him.

| Your POV |

You constantly stumbled over your words as you tried to explain to the stranger what was going on. He looked sceptical by what you were saying.

You felt tears dribble down your cheeks. Your fingers were trembling violently. You had to get out of here! Or Sangwoo would find you for sure. . .

"(M|n), there you are!" Exclaimed an all-too-familiar voice. You felt your entire body tense and you quickly scrambled behind the male that you'd been talking to.

"You know him?" The male asked. Sangwoo nodded his head but before he could speak, you interjected.

"We need to leave! I told you some crazy bastard is holding me hostage, and that's h-him. You have to believe me. He's dangerous, he's killed others. I don't want to be his next victim." You begged the other male desperately, hoping so hard that you would be believed.

Sangwoo burst out laughing. "I am so sorry for inconveniencing you. See, this is my lover. He has schizophrenia. He has some crazy thoughts from time to time. He hasn't been having his medication like a good boy. As a result, he's acting out like this." Sangwoo stated with confidence as he reached out for you. You subconsciously gripped the male's shoulder that you hid behind. The male stiffened and turned to look at you. You felt your heart sink at his expression. It was pity. . .

"If you wouldn't mind, could you help me bring him into the house?" Sangwoo questioned. Your eyes widened. No. . . Why wouldn't he believe you?! You stumbled away from the male and Sangwoo. You had no hope. All you could do was run to the best of your ability. You turned but the familiar, strong hands of Sangwoo locked around your waist. You felt your anxiety rocket up.

Sangwoo clearly stated that if he were to find you, you'd be punished. You let out a loud scream and immediately began to struggle. The male who you'd stumbled upon aided in keeping you from running.

"Let me go!" You screamed yourself hoarse. You were carried into the house. You felt a hand push against your protesting mouth.

"Are you sure you should hold his mouth like that?" The other male murmured.

"Well if I don't do this, this bastard won't stop screaming." You grunted as you were tossed to the ground. Through blurred vision, you saw Sangwoo punch the male who helped him hard. He fell to the floor with a loud crash.

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