| 16 | Urn

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You frowned to yourself as you stroked K|n's soft fur. Against all odds, he'd survived the accident without so much as a scratch. You were so relieved that K|n hadn't been injured. You'd already harmed so many others. . .

It had almost been two months since you'd been saved from that hellhole. Your body was slowly on the mend. You had mixed feelings about this. Sure, you were happy that your injuries were healing but that also meant that the days you were spending free were soon going to come to an end.

Since you were able to walk with little support now, the police officers had handcuffed your left hand to the hospital bed railing. Dae had been in a rage when she saw this but she couldn't do anything about it. The police officers made it clear that they weren't going to take it off of you because you could try and flee since you were much better than before.

Some days, you felt that you'd finally accepted your fate, other days though, you cursed Sangwoo until you grew tired of screaming.

Why did you have to be punished too when Sangwoo coerced you into doing all of this? Your life was on the line, what else were you meant to do?! Let yourself be killed?? Give up fighting??

You let out an exasperated sigh. "I'm going to miss you, K|n." You whispered to your kitten as you gently kissed his head. K|n purred contently and rubbed his furry face against your cheek. You shut your eyes, basking in the kitten's comforting warmth.

"Awh, what about me?" Asked a voice jokingly. You looked up immediately, recognising that voice. Your eyes filled with adoration as Dae came over to you.

"I can't believe you're still here to support me. . ." You admitted incredulously. Dae rolled her eyes.

"Not this again. Shush it. Anyway, I came here to see how you're doing!" You smiled wryly. You held K|n a little tighter.

"Dae, I'm terrified. I don't want to go to jail. What happens if I get murdered in there?" You blurted out before you could stop yourself. Dae bit onto her lower lip hard. You shook your head.

"Sorry, you came here to check up on me and I'm just being a big baby." Dae pouted when she heard what you had to say. She smacked you lightly round the back of the head. Despite the fact that she hadn't hit you that hard, you feigned that it hurt a lot and let out a little whine.

"Oi, what was that for?" You complained. Dae stood up and hugged you. Your eyes widened for a moment. You hadn't expected the embrace. . . But it made you feel less alone. You quickly hugged her back and buried your face into the crook of her neck.

You felt her hands rub your lower back. She used to always do this whenever you were sad.

"You're obviously not being a big baby, you doofus. Prison sounds like an awful place but I just know you can make it, no matter what happens. And I'll always check up on you to make extra sure that you're alright." Dae whispered reassuringly.

"You shouldn't waste your life away waiting for me to come out. You should just move to a new country and start a new life with Byeong-ho." You mumbled sullenly. You felt so guilty every single time Dae and her boyfriend said that they'd wait for you.

"I will actually start beating you if you don't stop talking nonsense." Dae grunted as she pulled away. She made you look into her determined eyes. She placed both of her hands on your shoulders and held on tight.

Her grip was so strong you could feel her nails digging into the flesh of your shoulder through your clothes.

"I won't be 'wasting my life away' waiting for you! M|n, the moment we became close friends, I promised myself to stay by your side no matter what. You've been through so much! You deserve love and care. You fought for your survival and if you hadn't done what you did, you would've been dead. I am so happy you're alive and I won't abandon you, ever. So, don't feel guilty about me waiting for your release. Byeong-ho doesn't mind either. And if you think he's just doing this to be nice to me, then you're wrong. I had a proper discussion with him and he believes in your innocence too. You can't get rid of me that easily, you know." Dae chuckled bitterly.

ᒪITTᒪE ᔕTᗩᒪKEᖇ (ᔕᗩᑎGᗯOO Oᕼ ᙭ ᗰᗩᒪE ᖇEᗩᗪEᖇ) | Completed |Where stories live. Discover now