| 7 | Tired

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The rest of your day went completely uneventful, much to your surprise. For the whole day, you actually forgot that Sangwoo was a killer. . . He showed you such gentleness that you never thought the blonde could be capable of.

Unfortunately, every day has to come to an end, no matter how much you wish for it to last for just a little longer.

You felt immensely drowsy as you made your way with Sangwoo to his car. The new kitten that Sangwoo had found for you was already asleep in your pocket. You were struggling to walk from just how fatigued your body was. You found it really odd. Never once in your entire life had you ever felt this tired. . .

You clung to Sangwoo's arm tight, trying your best not to lose your balance. You heard Sangwoo tut from beside you.

You let out a yelp of surprise when you were unexpectedly lifted from the ground. "It's like you're becoming stupider by the second. Have you forgotten how to walk all of a sudden?" A scowl found its way onto your lips.

You smacked Sangwoo's shoulder, glaring up at him. You became unsettled by the smirk that was painted upon his lips. Why was he looking at you like that? You let out a grunt as Sangwoo tightened his grip on you. He stopped at the car. He made no attempt to get inside just yet.

"(M|n), can I tell you something?" The male randomly questioned. You wondered what was on the other's mind. What was he up to?. . .

"Yeah, go ahead. It's not like I have a choice in the matter." You grumbled. Sangwoo let out a whistle. He pointed at the theme park with a small chuckle.

"Did you know. . . You're not the only one who I've brought here. Many other girls started their day here, with enthusiasm clear on their faces. I gave them the best time of their lives until the day came to a close. But do you know what I did after everything was over? I slipped a little pill into their drink and watched them fall to sleep. Once they were out, I took them back home and I tied them up in my basement and stripped them naked. All they saw when they woke up was me. I tortured them until their hearts were no longer in their chests." Your heart felt like it had dropped down onto the pavement. A lump slowly began to form in your throat.

No. . . Sangwoo was going to torture you?! You tried getting out of his arms, alas, the desire to sleep was overtaking you. Sangwoo sighed with a small pout on his lips.

"I love that look on your face, it suits you. Maybe this will make you regret not becoming like my dear Yoonbum?" He cackled.

You growled and launched a punch. It was very weak as it made contact with Sangwoo's chest. Your mouth hung agape as you no longer could keep your eyes open. Had Sangwoo been preparing you?! Did he butter you up and make you feel like he was safe so he could crush all the hope that you had of him being nice?!

"Please. . . Don't do this. . ." You begged in a shaky voice. Your eyes closed without you commanding them to. Your mind was drifting away. . . You tried opening your eyes. They only were able to stay open to see Sangwoo raise an eyebrow and give you a shrug.

"Do what?. . ."

| Time Skip |

You forced your eyes to open, despite your desire of wanting to close them and never awake again. Your eyes darted around your surroundings. The basement. . . You were back here. . .

"No. . ." You whispered in a cracked voice. You easily were able to sit up, which surprised you. Your glasses were still firmly placed on the bridge of your nose. Your eyes moved over to your wrists. They were free. . . You snapped your eyes to your ankle. . . It was free too! This was. . . Really weird.

ᒪITTᒪE ᔕTᗩᒪKEᖇ (ᔕᗩᑎGᗯOO Oᕼ ᙭ ᗰᗩᒪE ᖇEᗩᗪEᖇ) | Completed |Where stories live. Discover now