| 8 | Empty Threat

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You were visibly irritated. Since Yoonbum was coming on this trip with you two this time, you were forced to sit at the back. The seat was not what you had an issue with. It was the fact that Sangwoo was forcing you to go out after the trauma you experienced just a few hours ago.

Just how sadistic was this bastard? You stared longingly out of the car window with a frown. When were you going to be able to walk freely again, without the threat of Sangwoo looming over you?

Just thinking about Sangwoo and every single thing that you had to experience in his house because of him made your blood boil. Was this how you were going to be spending the rest of your life? Being held captive by a murderous maniac?

As you stared at the scenery outside your window, you felt sleep pulling at your eyelids. You curled up in your seat, drifting off. Today's events had taken a great toll on you both mentally and physically. . .

| Time Skip |

A nightmare made your eyes snap open. You held your chest which contained your madly thumping heart. Your hand was shaking. You took in huge, deep breaths. You glanced around you, suddenly suspicious since everything was just so. . . Quiet. Nervously, your eyes darted to the driver's seat of the car.

Your eyes widened when you saw that there was no one there. What was. . . Going on? You turned your eyes to the seat next to the driver's seat to see if Yoonbum was curled up there or not. You were shocked to see that he wasn't there either.

Where had they both gone off to, leaving you all alone? Sure, you were left by yourself in Sangwoo's house all the time, but never had you thought he would leave you alone in his car.

Your eyes slowly travelled to the door handle. You remembered the last time you attempted to open it, it was locked. Would it be unlocked this time? You sighed and shrugged your shoulders. It was worth a try at the very least. You placed your hand on the handle and pulled on it.

You tensed when you heard the sound of the car door as it swung open. It was. . . Unlocked. . . The moment you realised that, you instantly felt very wary. There was no way in hell that Sangwoo would decide to leave you all alone like this.

He was most likely lurking somewhere, seeing if you would try something. You knew there was no chance of you escaping right now. Not when he was hellbent on ensuring you never left him. With a disappointed look on your face, you slammed the door you'd left wide open. The parking lot you were in hardly had any cars.

Where was everyone? You called out to Sangwoo.

"Don't fuck around with me! I know you're trying to test me. I really can't be asked for your games right now!" You shouted. You heard your voice echo in the vast expanse of the parking lot. Where did he bring you exactly? Was this an abandoned place. . . Where he would murder you and Yoonbum?! Surely not. . . Though there was a lack of a cars, there was a few here and there, meaning that the place wasn't entirely abandoned.

With a shaky breath you moved forwards a bit more. That was when Sangwoo decided to finally show himself with a broad grin. His eyes shone with pleasure as he came over with Yoonbum hanging off of his arm.

"You're a very good boy. I really thought that you were going to attempt to flee this time. Have you finally given yourself up to me?" You narrowed your eyes, glaring at the male who was taunting you.

You crossed your arms over your chest but didn't make a comment. Sangwoo stopped in front of you before tweaking your cheeks with his cold, calloused fingertips.

Yoonbum stood there quietly as you asked the intimidating male, "Why did you bring us here?" Sangwoo let out a small chuckle. He grabbed one of your hands before leading you over to some trolleys. He grinned widely.

ᒪITTᒪE ᔕTᗩᒪKEᖇ (ᔕᗩᑎGᗯOO Oᕼ ᙭ ᗰᗩᒪE ᖇEᗩᗪEᖇ) | Completed |Where stories live. Discover now