| 10 | Dae

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Seungbae collapsed onto a chair. The officers had been running him ragged all day long for such simple, nonsensical errands. They thought of him as a joke. . . He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. As he sat there with some time finally to himself, he couldn't help but think of those two men he'd seen previously trying to get into Sangwoo's house.

He doubted that those two were the male's cousins but Sangwoo hadn't lodged a complaint about any intruders. . . If he tried bringing it up with the officer he'd last been with, they'd probably laugh in his face and tell him that he wasn't a renowned detective anymore and to stop sticking his nose where it doesn't belong. . .

The male perked up when a worried girl came running into the station, looking flustered. The officers who were there at the current time looked up with disinterested looks.

"Hi, Miss. What brings you to the station?" The girl fumbled around in her bag for a picture.

"I-I'm here to report a m-missing person. His name is (M|n) (L|n). He went for a jog last week and then never returned home. Please, hurry up and find him! I'm worried that he may have been harmed." The girl stated as she showed the image with shaky fingers.

The officers took one look at the male and then looked at her sceptically. "How old is he, Miss?" The girl took in a deep breath.

"He's 24. We live in the same apartment. He should've been back by this time! I have his text." As the girl went to grab her phone, the officer spoke.

"Are you sure that he might've not just gone somewhere for a change of pace?" The girl's eyes widened and filled with tears.

"He would've told me! He's not the type of person to leave without informing me." The girl tried arguing her case, but in the end, she was turned away. With a frustrated growl, she picked the photo up. Seungbae almost shot out of his seat when he saw the male in the image.

If his memory was correct, that was. . . The boy he'd seen at Sangwoo's house. . . Seungbae got up from his chair. He hurried outside to catch up to the tear-stricken girl.

"M-Miss!" Seungbae called out. She stopped in her tracks, holding the picture close to her chest.

"What? Are you going to tell me he's not missing too?" She queried scornfully. Seungbae shook his head. Hesitantly, he reached out and placed his hand on the young girl's shoulder.

"If possible, may I look at the picture that you were showing the officers earlier?" The girl bit her lip, clearly debating whether she should give him the picture. In the end, she passed it over to him. Seungbae's eyes almost fell out of their sockets when he saw the male.

This was definitely the guy he'd seen go into Sangwoo's house. He gazed at the girl. "What's his name again?" The girl glanced at him hopefully when she heard his question.

"(M-M|n) (L|n)." Seungbae nodded his head.

"I see. Would you mind if I kept this picture? The other officers may not believe (M|n) is missing but I do. And I'll make sure I'll find him and bring him back home." Seungbae stated. The girl gave him a tearful smile.

"Do you really mean it?" She whispered in a trembling voice. "He's such a dear friend to me. I don't want him to get hurt in any way." Seungbae nodded in understanding.

"I shall get to the bottom of this. Can you tell me where he was last jogging?" The girl gnawed on her lower lip, trying to remember as best as she could.

"Oh! He has this favourite place that he loves to jog. Here." She showed Seungbae. . . A picture of a forest which was close to Oh's residence. He observed the image.

ᒪITTᒪE ᔕTᗩᒪKEᖇ (ᔕᗩᑎGᗯOO Oᕼ ᙭ ᗰᗩᒪE ᖇEᗩᗪEᖇ) | Completed |Where stories live. Discover now