| 14 | Knife

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| Warning | This chapter has mentions of sexual abuse, gore and violence. Please read with extreme caution.

Your vision was obscured by a black blindfold. Sangwoo had tied this onto your eyes before you entered his car. Where was he taking you that required that you didn't see the route he was taking?. . .

Surprisingly, he made you bring along K|n. He constantly purred contently whilst sitting on your lap. Gently, you stroked his little head as you tried to figure out where on earth you were being taken. You hoped that he wasn't driving you to your death. . .

You were startled when you felt a hand suddenly land on the inside of your thigh. You immediately tensed and swallowed thickly.

The hand was slowly travelling further, to a place you didn't want to be touched. You knew that you had to feign that you didn't mind this but. . . You were too uncomfortable and scared in this moment about his intentions and so you grabbed his hand, pushing it off.

"S-Sangwoo, we shouldn't do anything whilst you're driving. I don't want you to crash. . ." You mumbled hesitantly. You feared that your response would be met with a shout from the blonde, but he actually relented and silently removed his hand.

That action alone filled you with both relief and anxiety. He was prone to bursting out into fits of anger whenever you rejected any of his advances. He must've had something on his mind that was distracting him.

You grabbed K|n and held him close to your chest as you curled up in your seat and laid your head against the vibrating car window. You originally thought that because of Sangwoo's oddly good mood that he would take you somewhere fun but now that you properly thought it through, his behaviour was definitely indicating that he was going to take you somewhere that you hated.

You felt the car finally come to a stop. Your throat all of a sudden felt dry. Your hands trembled a little as you gripped K|n who was gently rubbing his head against the side of your neck.

You felt Sangwoo's fingers slowly undo the knot of the blind. "Time to see where we are ~" The male sang in a gruff voice. The enthusiasm in his voice was unnerving. You no longer felt excited about this. You instead felt dread in the pit of your stomach.

You blinked rapidly the moment the blind was taken off. It took a minute or two for your eyes to adjust to the brightness outside of the car. When you could finally see, you eyed the building that Sangwoo had parked in front of. Your eyes widened at what you saw before you. Your heart thumped sickly in your chest as bile rose up in your throat.

This house brought back numerous bad memories. Sangwoo had brought you. . . To your father's house. The house that you'd escaped from many years ago. Why were you two here of all places?! How did Sangwoo even figure out where he fucking lived??

You were fear-stricken and didn't want to move from your spot in the car. You were too terrified to even set foot in that house. You didn't want to face that damned rapist. You'd rather kill yourself.

"I'll make sure that you see just how thrilling and freeing it is to kill those who thought that they could use you without any consequences. . ." Sangwoo snickered. Your breath caught in your throat as the realisation of why you were here finally hit you. He wants me to confront and murder him! There's no fucking way in hell I'm gonna murder anyone else.

Frantically, you tried opening the car door before Sangwoo came over to your side. Unfortunately, the blonde still had it locked. You whimpered nervously. You grunted when Sangwoo gripped the base of your chin, forcing you to look straight into his intimidating eyes.

"Are you thinking of doing a runner, you fucker? I thought you loved me? If so, why are you trying to leave?? I'm giving you the chance of a fucking lifetime here!" Sangwoo rose his voice as he spoke, making your body stiffen.

ᒪITTᒪE ᔕTᗩᒪKEᖇ (ᔕᗩᑎGᗯOO Oᕼ ᙭ ᗰᗩᒪE ᖇEᗩᗪEᖇ) | Completed |Where stories live. Discover now