| 4 | Bummie

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You stirred with a light groan. You felt an immense pounding in your head. With a dazed expression, your heavy eyes observed the surroundings. You tensed as your eyes landed on the blur of a male opposite you. Your vision finally adjusted, and you came to realise that you were seated at a table. . . And Sangwoo was the person sitting opposite you.

You gasped and tried getting out of the chair that you were seated in, but you realised your hands and legs were tied to the chair's arms and legs. Sangwoo chuckled as he got out of his chair.

"Hey, Bummie, my little stalker is awake." Your eyes moved around the room to find Yoonbum. You managed to notice his shaking figure, seated at a tiny table on the floor. His terrified eyes were focused on his lap.

You turned your focus back onto Sangwoo who was coming closer to you. You wanted to scream loudly but as your mouth opened and closed, nothing came out.

Sangwoo grinned. He grabbed your cheeks, gently caressing and squeezing them. "So cute! Look at how scared you are! Awh, I love you though. Why are you looking at me like that?" Sangwoo cooed, gazing at you with soft, gentle eyes. That was all it took to set you off. That fear you felt melted away as anger took over. Sangwoo knew easily how to piss you off.

"Maybe because you're a motherfucking killer?! How could I love someone-" You let out a grunt as a powerful slap hit your cheek. You grimaced as the echo of the slap sounded throughout the house.

You slowly opened your eyes and observed Sangwoo who had a dangerous expression on his face. "Don't you dare try and pretend you don't love me. I'm giving you a chance to avoid punishment, which I clearly shouldn't since you've already tried escaping once but I let you off." Sangwoo muttered. You pressed your lips together, forming a grim line.

You hated it when you were forced to be submissive. You let out a shaky breath. You had to stay calm. What did Sangwoo mean he was giving you a chance?. . . Sangwoo smirked once he noticed your defeated expression. He kissed your lips before heading out. You wished your hands were free so you could wipe that disgusting kiss off of your lips.

You were desperate to escape. . . You didn't want to be here any longer. Who knew how long it would be until you were murdered like those poor others? Did Dae still care for him?. . . Or had she abandoned him like his mother?

You turned to Yoonbum who was dragging his fingertip across the cracks of the tiny table he was seated at. You felt tears fill your eyes. "Yoon, please help me out. Tell me the password. If you don't. . . He'll kill us both for sure." You begged. Yoonbum looked up. A crooked smile formed on his lips.

"You don't need the password. . . You're safe from Sangwoo as long as you listen, you just-"

"NO! I don't want to be a submissive bitch like you, can't you fucking understand that I don't want to be here?! I'd rather be anywhere but here." You hissed. Your body was trembling with rage. Yoonbum said nothing further. He glanced back down at the worn table. You wanted to scream curses at the black-haired male but you were silenced by the return of Sangwoo.

Sangwoo gazed at Yoonbum and then at you. He chuckled softly. "You're like a quarrelling couple." Sangwoo mumbled as he placed a piece of paper in front of you. Confusion filled you as your eyes scanned over the sheet. On it were multiple questions. . . Maths questions. It was your weakest subject. You struggled in this subject the most.

It had been a while since you'd last set your eyes upon such equations.

Sangwoo took a seat next to you. You avoided his eyes as you put your focus on his finger, which was lightly tapping the sheet. "I'm giving you a reward if you can do this. I want you to get every question right. If you get at least one answer wrong. . . You and Bummie will both die." You felt a shiver run itself throughout your entire body when Sangwoo said this. You sat rigidly as Sangwoo untied your wrists which were red and raw from being tied so tightly to the chair's handles.

ᒪITTᒪE ᔕTᗩᒪKEᖇ (ᔕᗩᑎGᗯOO Oᕼ ᙭ ᗰᗩᒪE ᖇEᗩᗪEᖇ) | Completed |Where stories live. Discover now