| 2 | Roommates

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| Warning | Killing Stalking contains sensitive topics and gore. So this book will too. If you're not okay with this kind of content, please, click away!

You woke up with a groan. You could hear the shaky breaths escaping your chapped lips. Oh, it had been just a nightmare! Sangwoo. You'd somehow managed to get into his house and you'd. . .

Your eyes darted around the room that you were in. Your eyes widened as you came to the realisation that you didn't recognise your surroundings. You shot up from the futon you laid on but hissed in pain when you felt a faint throbbing and burning sensation in your foot. You looked down to see why it hurt so much and your mouth hung open.

Your left foot. . . Was gone! What was left of it was a bloody stump which had been wrapped in a clumsy bandage. You screamed loudly, not knowing what else you could do. As you became more aware of where you were, the pain in your bloody stump only got worse. Suddenly, you were slammed to the floor, your mouth covered. Your breathing was constricted by pair of fingers pinching your nostrils shut.

What the hell was going on?! Your startled eyes snapped to Sangwoo who held you down. Your chest was getting tight because you couldn't breathe. "Can you just shut the fuck up? Your little stalker friend is sleeping." He hissed though you knew that he didn't have the slightest care that the other male might wake up. After what seemed like forever, Sangwoo finally let you breathe.

You took in a deep breath and scrambled away from Sangwoo who knelt down in front of you. He tilted his head to the side.

"Why do you look so scared? I didn't do anything to hurt you." Sangwoo purred with a look of innocence on his face. You felt your rage bubble over, and you slapped the older male hard across the face. Sangwoo held his red cheek in mock surprise as he stared at you intently. You only shuffled back further, not being able to predict what this sick psycho would do next. You were startled to hear laughter leave Sangwoo's lips.

"Fucking hell. For looking like such a weak bastard, you're actually quite strong." Sangwoo chuckled. You were horrified by how calm Sangwoo was in this situation. Ragged breaths left your lips. Sangwoo turned his attention to your bloody stump. He reached out to touch the stump, but you immediately pulled it closer to your body, gritting your teeth as pain settled in whenever you moved it.

"D-Don't touch me you sick f-freak." You whispered with intense anger in your eyes. Sangwoo laughed gruffly and walked towards you, cornering you. He pinched your chin between his forefinger and thumb.

You shoved at his chest but Sangwoo growled and punched you hard in the jaw. You cried out in pain as your face throbbed. Your whole body was just hurting. Your vision blurred slightly since your head had hit the wall when Sangwoo punched you. Sangwoo smirked. He snatched your glasses from you. He snapped them in half.

"You're a prideful little shit, aren't you? You were too proud to talk to me, when all I wanted to do was to date you." Sangwoo grunted. There was clear disdain in his voice. "After rejecting me, you think you can just strut around in my house and touch my things, huh?!" Sangwoo exclaimed, punching you again. The only sound you made was a small whimper.

You slumped against the wall. Your unfocused eyes watched Sangwoo as he got up. You noticed some blood on his knuckles. A shaking hand of yours went up to your mouth. You felt a warm substance drip onto your fingers.

"Do you want to meet your roommates?" Sangwoo asked with a manic giggle. You lightly shook your head. You screamed out in pain as Sangwoo kicked you hard in the crotch. "You will meet them. Stop being so disobedient, or I'll punish you further." Sangwoo hissed.

He left the room. It became quite a few minutes and Sangwoo didn't come back. You needed the code to the door. That was the only way you were getting out of here. The only people who knew were Sangwoo and that. . . Weird black-haired male.

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