| 6 | Kitten

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You let out a growl as Sangwoo dragged your unsteady body out of the house. "Sangwoo, let me go!" You exclaimed. Sangwoo's grip on you only tightened.

"You're so annoying at times. Shut the hell up or I'll silence you forever." Sangwoo hissed threateningly in your ear. You couldn't distinguish whether or not he was being serious. You found yourself becoming quiet. Sangwoo let out a hearty laugh as he tossed you roughly into the car.

"Y-You dick!" You grumbled with a scowl. Sangwoo had suddenly chucked you into the car, and you weren't prepared for that at all and you'd hit your poor, healing stump on the way in. You rubbed it with a sour expression as Sangwoo seated himself on the driver's side.

Sangwoo turned to look at you. "There's no use trying to escape. . . It'll be the same as before. I'll discredit your sanity and they'll believe me, not you." Sangwoo whispered, pinching your chin tightly. You attempted to squirm out of his hold, but he wasn't having any of it.

"You are my beloved, (M|n). I will not let you leave me. Understand? I bought you new glasses as a present. It must've been a bore staying down in the basement with that dead girl, hmm?" Sangwoo cooed as he finally let go of your chin. You immediately averted your eyes.

You clenched your hands into fists as the scenery before your eyes began to move. Blood. . . Blood. . . That was all you could see. You buried your face into your hands with a frustrated grunt. Sangwoo was silent the whole trip, which made you only more nervous. Why were you dressed up as a female? What the hell was he up to?!

"Today we're going to go somewhere fun! A theme park." Sangwoo informed you. You tensed. What?. . . Why? You turned your eyes to Sangwoo.

"What are you trying to do, Sangwoo? Surely it's wiser to keep me hidden." You mumbled. Sangwoo tapped his fingers on the wheel.

"Do you think that it's a problem if I take the one I love to somewhere exciting? You should stop complaining so much and just enjoy!" Sangwoo exclaimed. He came to an abrupt stop, making you jerk in your seat. You glared at Sangwoo.

"Be careful!" You growled. You held your racing heart. For a moment there, you thought that you were going to die. . . You watched suspiciously as Sangwoo got out of the car. You bit onto your lower lip. Your eyes gravitated towards the car door. You reached out and clasped onto the door handle. Frantically, you tried to get it to open.

A small, bitter laugh escaped your lips as the car door didn't budge. "Obviously he keeps it locked. . ." You hissed. You felt immensely stupid. Your thoughts drifted to Yoonbum. You'd been passed out the entire time you were in the basement, but he was wide awake and covered in blood. Her blood.

Ugh. . . Min Jieun. You thought about the rare moments you'd shared in school. She deserved what Bum did to her. . . Your eyes widened at the sudden, dark thought. You were going crazy! You were jolted out of your thoughts by a hand on your shoulder. You looked up, slightly startled, to find that Sangwoo was holding out a kitten to you. He looked hungry and tired.

"Here, this will be your kitty. He, along with Bummie, will keep you company." Sangwoo stated, plonking the cat into your hands. Your eyes widened as you stared at the malnourished kitten. Despite your current situation, you found yourself. . . Smiling. You were going to care for this kitten. You hugged him close to your chest. What should you call him, you wondered? As Sangwoo drove away, you failed to notice the bloodied mama cat left on the pavement.

The more you thought about it, you realised that you never had been to a theme park before. What was it like? All your father did was torment you for years until you finally gained enough courage to escape your cruel home life. You didn't remember anything about your mother. . . She was never in the picture. You glanced up and noticed that you were finally at the parking lot!

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