Chapter 1: Caught

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the state of being happy.

"H    e struggled to find happiness in hi  s life"

Gore and angst warning 

 Deku POV 

 "Toga that was dumb ." I monotoned as I ran, the cold winter breeze colliding with my face and ruffling up my already messy locks of green hair. I had to flap my wings occasionally to keep up with our fast pace.

 "Hey it was not my idea it was Dabi! Don't blame me Deku-channnnn" The girl whined giving me puppy dog eyes, I returned it with a bored stare.

 "Don't go blaming it on me,just keep running" Dabi angrily muttered. 

 "But why do we have to run? I'm tired." I stated tilting my head a little towards my ravenette friend. 

 "You are always tired!" He replied.

 "And that's on having insomnia!" I say, face blank but giving him a thumbs up.

 A few minutes before

 "C'mon Deku it's fun! Here let me show you!" Toga took my hand in hers and put a toilet paper roll inside and we threw it onto a certain hero's house.

 "See look!" She pointed as the toilet roll unraveled itself and flung onto the house like a streamer, "fun!" 

 "Fun?" I ponder as I grab another roll, throw it and watch as it unravels once again and flings itself over the house.I turn around and see Dabi aggressively throwing as many rolls as he could, the house didn't even look recognizable anymore as the white paper streamed down the house gently swaying in the wind. 

Dabi and Toga looked like they were happy, and I guess you could say that was enough for me. Is this what fun is? 

 Dabi dusted his hands and stepped back to marvel at his work, "it's beautiful." "But Tomura-kun sure will be angry when he finds out what we've been doing!" 

Toga laughed throwing another roll.

"Oi you what are you doing!" A man across the road shouted at us, "wait you are those villains from T.V!" He shouted.

 "Ssshhh!" Toga angrily turned around throwing a knife at him, it moved too fast to be seen, the knife sunk into his skin and blood poured out of his arm as if in slow motion. It came as a red fountain to spread over the plain concrete floor, horrified the man stared at the red liquid before swiftly passing out.

 "That was a close one..." she started but got interrupted by a familiar voice

"Villains stop!" The hero Endeavor angrily stormed out of the toilet paper covered house face red with rage.


 Back to present 

 "Just keep going ok they are right behind us and they've called backup!"  Dabi said.

I turn around running backwards and see Endeavor, All Might, Eraserhead and the loud one........what was his name again. I give them a wave as they stare at me fuming.

 "They aren't very friendly are they? " I point at them wide-eyed as Dabi grabs my hand and runs faster until....

 " Great you've lead us into a dead end way-to-go mr Hot topic!" Toga sighed and rolled her eyes.

 "Come here you little b*stards!" Endeavor was closing in on us, ugh I guess I'd have to do something. 

I hate bringing out this side of myself, it's so exhausting.I stood in front of my two best friends and spread my wings out protectively.

 "If you let us go, peacefully I promise I won't kill anyone." I say widening my eyes innocently as Endeavor flinched and stepped back in shock. 

 "Y-you villains! Surrender you are surrounded!" He said. I sigh, "Fine but I did warn you." I monotoned as I shrugged. 

 I lowered my wings and slowly began to walk towards the hero, it was like time itself had stopped, everyone was confused by my actions but to be honest I just wanted to get this over and done with.

 With that I clenched my fist and in one smooth action punched the number 2 hero, hearing a satisfying crunch and sending him flying backwards. How weak.  "I take no pleasure in taking you down." I spat disgustedly looking down and walking up to the hero, kneeling to where he was crouched, he was struggling to stand.

" It became necessary when my family were involved," I looked over to were Toga and Dabi were trying to fight of the few remaining hero's.

 "Look at you! Are you scared?  I kinda like  that look on you!" I smiled crazily leaning towards him more.

Hey would you look at that! I feel something. Happiness? I'm not sure but this just makes me want to smile even more. I haven't smiled in a while ....Toga would be proud. So this is fun? I want to experience it more! More!

 "S-stay back y-your insane!" He fumbled backwards trying to stand but I used my hands to push him back. Why is he trying to stop my fun? I look at him confused.

 "I'm not insane! Why I am perfectly normal! Why are you looking at me like that? You don't  believe me?! Your mouth is so wide! I can see all your pearly white teeth! You are really funny! Hey I have an idea!" I said excitedly, my tone not really matching my expression.

"Look, Toga gave me one of these she said they were really fun! Even more fun than what we did to your house!" I stare at him blankly pulling out a knife my eyes glowing bright green.

 "Wouldn't it be fun if I just....... scraped each one of your teeth out! One by one! That would be really painful wouldn't it? Wouldn't it?" I ask innocently leaning towards the trembling hero's face.

 "You don't look like it would be fun." I ask sadly. "C'mon smile! Hero's always smile!" I say pulling on the corners of his mouth into some kind of deformed smile.

 "Oi Deku we need a little help here!" Toga called out.

 "Oh." My eyes returned to their previous empty-looking state, "well I guess we can have some fun later. Ja Ne~" I say walking back to the two idiots. 

 "What?" I say bored. "Deku behind you..." was the last thing I heard before my vision was engulfed in darkness.

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