Part 14

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Free from the chains

Freedom, is one of the things that can make a person happy. Maybe not everyone, but a lot of people are craving for it.

But there are things that's still kept in the dark. Things that makes people feel trapped.

Just like the chains around a person's feet that causes him to trip and makes it harder for him to stand up.

Just like the chains around a person's neck that makes him harder to breathe as he was strangled to death.

These chains are not literally chains. It can be things or people that makes us hold back from the things we need or we want to do.

Being free from the chains applies on different variations of situations. What kind of freedom are you seeking?

Do you want to be free from a toxic relationship?

Do you want to be free from the old version of yourself?

Do you want to be free from the abusive environment you are in?

Do you want to be free from the dictatorship of your family and relatives?

Do you want to be free from the past?

Do you want to feel free and do anything that you like?

If yes, you should take action.

Mostly, a lot of people are chained in their past. They can't let go of the past and that makes them blind on what the future offers.

Moving forward is the only way to be free and to grow. Without trying to move, you'll get trapped from where you are right from the start. Without trying to move forward, you'll find yourself running out of breath, getting strangled to death by unfamiliar emotions and situations around.

Maybe, you can't fully attain freedom. Maybe you'll have the freedom to choose your clothes, but doesn't have the freedom to choose your course.

You have the freedom to choose your partner in life, but doesn't know what lies ahead so you feel like you're inside a cage.

Sometimes, all our thoughts keeps on clouding our minds. We can't see clearly everything that we want to see.

We can't control our minds to think about a certain scenario or a decision that can lead into a better outcome.

Maybe, just maybe, it's just the demons inside your head making you feel like you are not free. Maybe, the key is you, defeating your demons to get the freedom you always wanted.

When the chains are longer in your body, you'll feel helpless and restless. It also leaves a mark that it's been there. But it will heal, just take a step towards the goal you've set for yourself and seek help to the people you trusted that will not betray you and put you in a cage where you can't fight.

And to be free, you should let go. Learn to let go of the burdens. Learn to let go of the past that still hunts you. Let go of the people that seems like they're not good for you.

It will not be easy, but once you're free from the chains of the past or the burdens, you'll be happier and grow better.

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