Chapter 103 - Legendary Friendships

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Latias was getting closer.

"Migami?" Owen couldn't figure out how fast they were going. The Teleports were so far he couldn't see what the previous landmarks were. Everything in the Nil Plateau looked the same, from the deep violet rocks to the lighter magenta tops. What Owen did notice, however, was how much less frequent the Teleports were becoming, and his flier's labored breathing.

"We can't keep running," Owen said after Migami didn't answer.

"Gotta run," Migami replied, their voice ragged like something was stuck in his throat. Owen caught a thin splotch of blood in the corner of his cheek.

"Migami, you're pushing yourself way too far," Owen urged. "Find a plateau to disappear behind!"

Latias was a dot in the distance, but that meant she could still see them. Aster was much further behind, but Migami was much more afraid of Latias, and they never explained why.

"Just hide now! We can't keep this up!"

"No... gotta—" The sky's jittering position told Owen that they'd Teleported again, but that was when Migami's flight suddenly hit turbulence. Migami coughed, tiny drops of blood blowing in the wind, spraying Migami's chest with a spatter of crimson.

"Migami, please," Owen begged. "As... as leader, I'm commanding you to hide instead of run. Understand?"

Migami scoffed, though it was strained. The vines tightened around Owen, but Owen held his glare and refused to let out even a wheeze.

This was for Migami's own good. They were too stubborn. This team needed a steady hand, one that wasn't hungry for battle. And while Owen was still that, he was the sanest of the four right now.

"Now, Migami," Owen said firmly.


Migami flared their wings, the petals looking a little stretched from all the flying. Owen had been unsure of its aerodynamics before, but now they seemed like they were only there for decoration. That was made a lot clearer when Owen realized that, despite their flight stopping, they were still floating.

And then, in a blink, they were on the ground of another cave. A cold chill ran through Owen's spine at the similar scents and sights. Dark purple, shadowy alcoves. The dry, oppressive, vaguely foul stench of void dust, like an ancient and uncleaned room. Owen thought he smelled the beginnings of rot, and then he saw Amia's face.

Migami collapsing snapped him out of his thoughts, but Owen's heart was already racing. "Migami?" he asked automatically, but received no response. They were still just outside the cave that he'd spotted.

"Come on, we have to get inside," Owen begged, struggling out of his hold. He pulled at the vines, thought of pulling at the tail but decided against it after seeing the blades, and then sprinted around to the head. "Migami?"

They were breathing and they were conscious, but not completely responsive. He waved his hand in front of one eye, and the pupils followed him, but when he said their name again, he got little reaction.

Owen stepped away, steadying his heart. He wasn't strong enough to pull Migami in. The three of them together were at least an order of magnitude larger than he was, and several times more than that in mass. He needed incredible force to get them inside, even a little.

An indifferent wind blew past them, and Owen briefly wondered if he could find some way to fashion sails to sweep them in with the wind, but that would take too long.

Time was short. Latias would be here soon if they were unlucky.

His eyes darted left and right, but there was nothing to use other than himself and what Migami could provide.

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