Chapter 120 - Judgement Day

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Thick, hearty stew bubbled within a cauldron, set inside a giant cave fit for a great behemoth. And a behemoth he was—it was one of the few caves that Owen could comfortably rest in. He didn't care for proper houses, but he still liked to have shelter when it rained, so a cave worked just fine.

Beside him was a beaten and battered Riolu with wisps of shadow—his former form—still clinging to his fur.

The Riolu stirred, groaning. Then, he gasped and sat up straight. "Wh—"

Owen thumped his tail on top of him, pinning him to the ground. He screamed and roared, punching ineffectually, until he tired himself out again. Only then did Owen release him.

"Awake?" he asked.

"You..." Riolu snarled. "What did you do to my friends, eh?! Where—" He pointed, but then gaped at his blue arm. He turned his paws over in horror.

"We tied them up," Owen said, "carried them away, and sent them home."

"Yer lyin'..."

"Why would I?" Owen grabbed an empty ceramic bowl and a metal ladle, then handed Riolu a full cup of stew. Next to it was a steaming pile of rice, which Owen offered next.

Riolu stared at it, suspicious.

"Really. Poison?" Owen replied. "Why?"

"Dunno. Maybe y'did, and—"

Owen dumped the entire contents into his mouth and swallowed, and then took the bowl of rice next and did the same. Then, he stared, making a new bowl for Riolu, who grudgingly took it.

"So, what, I'm prisoner here?" Riolu asked.

"No. Once you get your strength back, you can leave." Owen made a larger bowl for himself.


"To prove a point," Owen said. "I don't want to be your enemy."

"Look, I don't care what yer gonna say," Riolu growled. "Save it."

"All right." Owen set the bowl down and resumed meditating, eyes closed. He could see, without his eyes, Riolu sizing him up. Looking for an opening. And then, wisely, deciding against it. But it seemed like Riolu wanted to say something anyway.

Owen took another, smaller portion of stew for himself, eating quietly, feeling awkward. He wasn't sure what kind of small talk to make with Riolu. Maybe about the latest stories?

Just then, it felt like Riolu was about to say something, so Owen put those topics away for next time.

"Remi misses you, y'know," Riolu said.

The memory drifted away...


Owen gathered everyone to the Radiant Tree, including Hakk and Xypher. After making sure Hakk and Marshadow in particular were away—in case Mhynt could spy through Hakk, and the same for Marshadow—he tried to hash out a plan of defense and offense. Scouts were already reporting strange movements to the west of town that usually meant Titan activity, but a lot of it. Owen was positive that was Dark Matter.

Then came the plan for those who had more strength. The guards were strong, yes, but none were Guardians, and none still had the strength of their living selves. Null Villagers were, in general, weaker on average than what they'd seen in Kilo.

"So, run this by me again," Gahi said, pointing at Owen. He made sure to poke a claw into his feathery chest. "Yer gonna go, alone, an' seek out Dark Matter personally, and we're supposed ter be fine with that?"

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