Chapter 5 - Mystic Glow

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Watery Dungeons simultaneously fascinated and unnerved Owen. Due to his nature, they would be the last sort of Dungeon he'd want to explore. Not only would getting his tail doused be the most excruciating pain imaginable—aside from being impaled, he supposed—the terrain also made his Fire Traps useless. Calm Water Lake was no exception.

The lake—a clear, blue expanse surrounded by yellow-green grass—disappeared the moment they passed through the distortion's bubble-like ripple. Blue, rocky walls made from amalgamated sand took its place, rough and perpetually damp to the touch. The ground was covered in a thin layer of water that went just past Owen's tiny ankles.

This was a challenge for Gahi, who was even lower to the ground. He constantly tilted his massive, orange head upward to prevent his lower jaw from dipping underwater.

"Calm Water Lake is kinda boring." Owen had his hands behind his head, staring at the wispy clouds. "Hey, do we have any warps left?"

"I do," Demitri said. "Mispy used her Badge to get our group back, but mine still has a charge left for the day. Once we're done exploring this Dungeon, we'll head back to Kilo."

"Yeah. I hope it goes by soon," Owen said. "I'm sick of walking through water. Nothing's happening." He had been hoping to find a mysterious, pink mist to lead the way. Nothing of the sort was around.

"I mean, it's called Calm Water Lake," Demitri said. "Isn't that kinda what you'd expect? Even its title is boring."

"All of the Pokémon are asleep. They won't even bother with you unless you aggravate them first. Where's the fun in that?"

He shook his head. That was his Battleheart talking. That kind of comment would get weird looks from people... Half-feral, they'd say.

"I know what y'mean," Gahi said. "I don't wanna go ter this place either, 'cause the ferals're all weak."

Demitri nervously punched his fists together. "All this teaching hasn't given me a good fight the whole day."

Mispy sighed deeply. Her leaf bobbed and brushed against Demitri's tusk.

"You guys like to battle a bunch, too, huh?" It was rare for civilian Pokémon to fight the way he liked to.

Some Pokémon went their entire lives not evolving because their auras never became strong enough to trigger it. Most only trained enough to evolve and stopped after that.

That was just another layer of kinship he felt with these three. Fellow Battlehearts!

"I know what that's like," Owen continued. "If I don't get a good fight in for the day, I can't sleep at night. I'm all restless! And I need to fight something! My parents gave me a rock that I can beat up if I ever get like that. But if that isn't enough, I need to meditate and stuff."

"Baah." Gahi shook his head. "Don't even say the word. I hate when Rhys makes us do that."

"It calms the mind, though." Demitri rubbed his tusks, finding a little nick to scrape dirt off. "And we know it makes our attacks more efficient, so it isn't all bad!"

"Tune the aura," Mispy said.

"Ha, it's like we get the same lectures!" Owen said. "I wonder if my parents and Rhys went to the same classes."

"Feh, wouldn't doubt it." Gahi fell into a dip in the watery ground, struggling and gurgling.

Mispy shoved her vine into the gravel and a great platform of foliage pushed Gahi out of the puddle.

"Bah, stupid water... Say, how come we never saw yer parents, anyway? Figure they'd've supported you fer the Ceremony, at least."

"I think they're busy at home," Owen said dismissively, though his tail dimmed. He held up a flame from his finger and flicked it Gahi's way, the little mote drying him while they walked. "My parents have been hesitant about going out lately. I'm not sure why. I hope they aren't afraid of the light or something."

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