Chapter 52 - Reunion

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"We're back!"

"Owen's back!" Willow cheered, skittering across the caverns to hop onto Owen's head, using his lowered hand as a boost. By now, the gesture had become a small ritual for the Charizard and Joltik. "How'd it go?"

"Uhhh... I mean, could've gone better," Owen said, motioning behind him to the others. "Jerry couldn't get healed. Emily's power couldn't get rid of the melting property, but she was able to enhance his Stable Scarf. Now it's a Stabilize Scarf. Star made up the name again."

"What's the difference?" Willow asked.

Owen hummed thoughtfully. "Well, my version kept Jerry the way he was when he puts it on. Emily's version brings him back to normal if he accidentally takes it off for a little while."

"Yeah, that's the property I felt from it," Star confirmed. The transparent Mew floated around Manny. "How're you holding up, Jerry?"

"Never better," the Aerodactyl growled. "What do you think? I'm still stuck with you lunatics. I was starting to warm up to the idea of indentured service again compared to this—"

"What Jerry means is, he's glad that he can hang out with us for a lot longer." Star gave Jerry a sweet smile.

Jerry glared, clenching his jaw.

The Mew went on. "Until we get strong enough to counter Ghrelle's Mystic power, that's how it has to be. Isn't that right, Jerry? I guess we'll have to find a way for you to be useful until then."

"Oh, I'll show you useful," Jerry said, beating his wings.

"Oh, oh! I know!" Anam's voice sang from his building to their left. The Goodra waddled outside with his bag lodged partway into his chest. "Let's make him a Provisionary Heart!"

Whatever fire Jerry had to lash out against Star extinguished instantly, freezing him in place.

Anam dug through his chest, as if searching around for something. Not finding it there, he dug into his thighs. "Ah!" He pulled out a small, gold emblem, a bit different than the one thousand full-fledged Heart Badges in circulation, and handed it to Jerry.

He stared at it, the only sign that he wasn't a statue being his blinking eyes.

"What's wrong?" Anam asked. "It's not as strong as normal Badges, but it'll help you! They're only good for warping yourself out of trouble, and it only goes to Kilo Village, but if you go with a fellow Heart that has a real Badge, you'll be able to go on assignments really easily!"

Anam held his hands out again, but his horn-feelers twitched nervously. He pushed his arms a bit closer until the Provisionary Badge was mere inches away from Jerry's face.

Finally, Jerry showed signs of movement, but it wasn't toward Anam. Instead, his eyes transitioned from disbelief into distrust. "Why?"

"Why?" Anam repeated. "W-well... because!" He pushed the Badge even closer.

"No," Jerry said again. "Why? Why do you think I should get one? After all... you put me in jail." His mouth twisted into a smirk. "You wouldn't want something like me representing your army, do you?"

Anam's smile briefly faltered, his cheerful eyes transitioning into desperation. Owen, on the sidelines, didn't know what to add. He opened his mouth, but all he could get out was a soft, "Um..."

Owen regretted making noise at all. Jerry flashed a glare at him that made his flame shrink to half its size; then, he looked back at Anam. "They arrested me. I hurt others and stole their stuff. Still want to give that to me?"

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