Chapter 160 - Time and Space Asunder

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" . . . And so, in the end, we have a tiny part of Dark Matter on our side, and we have to find the rest." Mesprit nodded. "That's... sort of the whole situation."

"Hmm..." Granbull Jin paced in front of the conference room—a replica of the Heart HQ, but with more subdued colors than its prior pastel reds, pinks, and magentas. "We know of Necrozma. We also know about Dungeons. When the Voidlands was reopened, we put our heads together on this one, and it's very likely...

"People don't remember much about Dungeons at all up until several decades after the Dark War."

"I definitely don't," Mesprit said, crossing his little arms. "But... what does that mean?"

"That they didn't appear until then," Uxie stated. "Which means something in the Dark War caused it."

"A place where space itself twists and changes, and where there are gateways into the Voidlands because of it," Granbull Jin said. "When put in that way, it seems very clear that something caused the barrier between realms to... weaken. Applying Radiance plugs the gateway, but it does not solve the actual problem. Wraiths on one side... the living on the other."

"And it's not necessarily Dark Matter trying to escape, either," Mesprit said. "He was within Anam the whole time, guiding him to run the world. And... not too badly, either."

"Aside from the whole 'hostile takeover of all other kingdoms' thing," Azelf quipped.

"No different than most nations, I believe," Uxie hummed.

"That doesn't make it okay," Mesprit said, frowning.

Uxie shrugged and nodded.

"Focusing," Jin said, "it means that Dark Matter might not have been creating these rifts on purpose. More likely... he was taking advantage of them. They seem to be the result of two divine forces clashing, and the aftershocks leaving weaknesses in the fabric that keeps the realms separate. It isn't just a distortion of space, but the very planes of existence themselves. Dungeons are a gateway between the material and immaterial, the spiritual and physical. It converts one into the other.

"And, if left unchecked..."

"That could mean the end of life as we know it," Mesprit whispered. "And death as we know it! There... wouldn't be a difference!"

Uxie cocked her head to the left. "I wonder, how bad is that?"

"It'll deprive the living of the chance to value life," Jin replied. "There's no telling what kind of instability it would cause. I know some of us are skeptical of the gods' machinations, but something tells me letting life and death mingle will cause a lot of trouble. We should at least stabilize it before we come to any decisions."

Uxie nodded as if conceding. "This is no time to be making decisions like that. But that leads to another question: if the border between life and death has been shattered, is there anything stopping us from taking advantage of that?"

"How do you mean?" Jin asked.

"Oh!" Mesprit perked up. "As in, if we're able to just blur those lines, that means we can go from here, to somewhere in Kilo, right? Um, alive-Kilo."

"Oh." Jin hummed. "That's... true. It's scary that it's so easy, but... yes. Hopefully, we won't... dissolve, or something, if we go there, but... you're right. We could probably find a way to go directly to Kilo if we had a way to fly up to the rift."

"Which we can." Azelf puffed out his chest and smirked. "I can fly in my sleep!"

"Hover," Uxie corrected.

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