Chapter 149 - Nightmare

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Hot Spot went from calm to chaos in seconds, because seconds were all they had left. If Alexander got to South Null Village as quickly as Manny said he would, then there was a risk their Waypoints—precarious as they were—would be destroyed. And while they could potentially head to Fae Fae Forest again to go directly to the North, there was no telling if its exit point had shifted since then.

"Gahi!" Mhynt shouted. "How quickly can you get to Kilo from here?"

"With the new Waypoint? Ehhh ten seconds?"

Mhynt leaped several feet into the air and slapped a note on Gahi's forehead. "Get those items and come back in three hundred."

"Eh—sure!" And he vanished, flying out of the cave post-Teleport.

"Can he count t' three hundred?" Manny wondered aloud.

"Someone carry Valle!" Owen shouted, pointing at the statue.

"O-on it!" Demitri said. "Wait! What about our other halves? They're supposed to come with us, right?"

"I put them on the notes," Mhynt said. "Gahi can at least read, right?"

"Hopefully," Mispy said.

"He hasn't picked up a book in a while," Demitri said worriedly.

"Come on, guys, he's not stupid," Owen said, feeling oddly defensive.

"C-can we help with anything?" Alex asked desperately. "Er, more supplies, or..."

"Thankfully, we've prepared for this," Zena said. "We're packed. We have a special bag for our supplies in the main one. I'll get that."

"Good luck, dear," Amia said, nodding. "When you return, we'll have that dinner."

"Right." Owen nodded firmly.

They gathered the rest of their supplies, double-checked what they had on a timer that Uxie personally counted down from, and then had some time to spare while waiting for Gahi. Tension coursed through everyone, leaving Owen feeling sympathy pains in his chest. It felt like everyone's hearts were beating at the same rhythm, and Owen's was part of that same chorus.

Then came Gahi, who was also carrying a few curious badges with him. "Palkia gave these," he said. "Somethin' about better Communicators?"

"Oh! Nevren made..." Owen nodded. "Right. We can use those. Come on, let's go!"

"Partner up, everyone," Mhynt said. "We're flying!"

Gahi, Demitri, and Mispy all got together and fused into Migami, bolting to the sky. Zena flew on her own; Trina, not as adept at flying, wrapped around Migami's body and was carried along that way.

"Owen!" someone cried.

Rushing to the entrance were two Jirachi, waving him down. He winced—there was no time for this. He couldn't—

"Good luck!" one called.

"Hurry! Do your best, okay?!"

He was stunned until Mhynt kicked his shin to get his attention.

"R-right." Owen spat a plume of fire in the air toward Eon and Jirachi in affirmative. He'd know what that meant.

Both of them beamed as Owen flew skyward with Mhynt.

"We'll do our part!" Eon cried, or maybe it was Jirachi.

"Don't give up! Keep fighting!" Jirachi added, but it could have been Eon.

Owen got his last glimpse of Kilo's light before flying up and into the Voidlands' rift. Then, he had to adjust quickly—up became down, and gravity flipped. He tumbled and righted himself with a blast of updraft, then made sure Mhynt was still firmly on his back. The others landed nicely.

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