Chapter 34 - Rest and Recovery

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With the confirmation that Owen was stable in his fully evolved form, Amia was more than happy to take him to Kilo Village with Rhys and Zena to find some supplies to repair his bag. Anam, missing the warmth of the sun and the outdoors that the headquarters simply could not provide, tagged along with them with the intention of returning home. He heard that some of the Pokémon were wondering how he and James were doing, anyway.

At first, Owen was worried that his strange appearance might make the Kilo Villagers worried. After all, compared to a normal Charizard, his proportions were different—not to mention the pointed horns. But Amia assured him that it was fine.

"We'll just say you're a southern Charizard," Amia said. "If a Vulpix can be icy and we pass it off as southern, there's no way they'll look twice if we say you're from the south. Annexation was only a few decades ago, so I think we can afford that explanation."

"And you're with me!" Anam said. "They'll know you're safe."

They appeared in the central Waypoint in a flash of light. They stepped off the central, colorful, gemlike-encrusted platform; Owen marveled at how properly sized everything was now that he was as tall as most of the others. "Wow," he said. "I kinda feel like I fit in with the other Hearts, now. Everything's at the right size."

"Your size is much more fitting, now, Owen," Zena commented. "I can almost talk to you at eye level, now." Though, not quite. She still had to look down from her normal stance.

"That's good," Rhys said. "This is technically the first time you've ever come to Kilo Village in this form. We were very careful to make sure you didn't before."

"Yeah, I don't have any memories coming back about here now that I'm a Charizard," he said. "So that's good—I didn't accidentally, you know..."

"I will get the supplies for your bag, Owen," Rhys said, and Owen was grateful for the change of topic. "Why don't you and the others follow Anam to the Association to catch up with Nevren?"

"Oh, that's a great idea! You know, Rhys, what if we gave Owen's old Everstone to the rest of Team Alloy? That should prevent them from evolving. They can go on a little Mission together! Maybe with you as an escort? Or me." Amia looked down at Owen, smiling.

"Or me," Zena spoke up. "I wouldn't mind, now that I also know the Suppression Aura if it's needed."

"You know, I haven't gone on a normal mission in a while," Owen said. "Feels like forever! Oh, but it's already starting to get a little late in the afternoon..."

"It could always be a quick one," Amia offered. "But we do need to make sure they don't evolve near you. Not yet. So, if you do go, make sure they keep that Everstone near them."

"...What do you mean, not yet?" Owen asked. "I thought I was over it. Isn't it okay now? I can help calm them down if they aren't ready!"

"No, that's... that's not it," Amia said. "There's still something we need to be careful about, Owen. Don't you remember?"

"Remember? No, I'm... I mean, I'm still kinda remembering stuff." He tittered, nervous. "I didn't take the time to think back yet. But it feels like... there's still stuff missing. So, I think it's still coming back to me."

"Hmm..." Amia bit at the inside of her cheek. "Well... if they ever evolve in front of you—don't get too close to them, okay?"

Owen hummed uncertainly. "Don't get... too close. Okay." Perhaps the black sparks that erupted from them could set him off. He still had to be careful about stressful situations, now that he thought about it. He had to meditate often. Even now, he felt the itch for battle. He hoped that would go away soon.

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