Chapter 139 - Gone, and Remembered

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"You must think you're perfectly clever," Qitlan said, sneering, but Owen could see the hostility in his eyes. "I've already figured everything out."

The Charmeleon slowly got up from the wall, glancing at his shoulder that now had a hole going through it. "I just made that bed," Owen mumbled to himself, noticing that the cushion had been similarly pierced.

"Playing the role of chaos in an attempt to throw me off will only result in your ruin," Qitlan continued, pacing into Owen's room and closing the door behind him.

At least twenty of Qitlan's long strides separated the two of them. They'd generously given him a room far too large for the Charmeleon to ever need. He could sprout wings and fly freely if he wanted.

"Role of chaos?" repeated Owen. "No. I'm only... cashing in what you gave me. Thanks for the prizes... by the way."

Another beam of water smashed through Owen's other shoulder. Owen's vision was muddled for a moment, but then he came back to his senses enough to see Qitlan casually striding forward. Only ten steps separated them.

"Go on. Heal yourself," Qitlan said.

Owen was tempted to defy him, but he knew there was little need for that now. Qitlan was trying to intimidate him. Or maybe he was just upset.

Still... he could try bringing this to his advantage.

Slowly, Owen's wounds began to heal. Red scales turned to green feathers; flesh seeped into place with vines. Slowly, that grass weaved its way into the wound before shifting back to red, hard scales and bone and blood.

"Don't think that picking some random soldier will give you an advantage," Qitlan said. "Every single one of their souls is held under lock and key. They will not go against Alexander no matter what trickery you try to do with them."

It was odd of Qitlan to warn him about that. Wasn't that obvious? Or was he feeling vulnerable? No, Qitlan was too experienced in this sort of thing to let a little chaos get to him in that way. Perhaps this was yet another trick. Trying to get him vulnerable.

But that left Owen with two options. Act unintimidated and show his hand? Or act fearful and give Qitlan what he wanted?

"Speak," Qitlan said sharply.

"Uh—I, uh..." Owen still needed time to think and Qitlan gave him none. "Why're you so mad?"

"Mad? I'm not mad. I'm disappointed."

"And you... shoot people if you're disappointed?" Owen asked.

"It's a hobby." Qitlan took aim with a finger, paused, and then sighed. "Not even worth the energy."

He was definitely toying with him. Qitlan was trying to get a rise out of him again. He could act nervous, so he did, fidgeting and letting his flame spark a few times. "Well, uh, I, uh... oh!" The surprise was genuine. "I finished the Gone Pebbles. Two, actually."

"Oh?" And it seemed Qitlan's was as well, but even his Perceive had trouble determining if it was genuine or not. "Alright. No more shooting. Why don't you show me?"

Owen nodded and scampered to a small bedside table, opening the drawer below a dimly glowing lamp of crystal. Inside, there were two mundane pebbles that resonated well with aura. He grinned and presented two of them to Qitlan. "I finally got the hang of making them," he explained, "and I was able to make two before getting tired."

After tossing the first one to Qitlan, he pulled out the second, hanging onto it.

"Hm." Qitlan studied it. "And I simply tap into the energy stored within to activate it, just like channeling the energy into a Geo Pebble for energized throwing?"

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