Special Episode 2 - What You Deserve

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The clear, blue sky taunted his blurry, tear-warped vision. Claws dug into the dirt. A little voice echoed in his mind.

"Hey, Ra, listen. I'm really sorry you're feeling lonely, and I get it. Can't you just meditate for a while longer?"

Meditate. It's what she always asked for. And for what? For what purpose? He was already strong enough. There was no point... "I have been meditating for centuries, Star. Please... I just... I just need somebody to talk to."

"What about your spirits?"

Ra shook his head, rubbing at one of the giant scales that covered his arms. "It's not the same... it's... it's like I'm..."

"Okay, okay," she said delicately. "I'll think of something, Ra. Just for you."

Lightning shattered the sky.

Thunder deafened all of Nightshade Forest's inhabitants. Wild Pokémon fled in all directions, all but one. The lightning struck the ground around this lone feral, the strongest of Nightshade. The one that he had been watching grow since it was just a little, talented hatchling. It kicked up dead leaves and splintered wood with each bolt that redirected her.

"Ra! STOP!" Star cried, her misty form clutching onto his arm.

"Your words are MEANINGLESS!" Ra roared back, shoving her away. He slammed his scaly arms against his chest, causing another thunderous boom; at the same time, the sky shattered, sending bolt after bolt into the ground. Rain covered the Kommo-o's scales. Electricity danced at the end of his tail and sparks flew across every large plate of his body.

He vanished into electricity, surging upward and into the sky. The inky darkness gave way to white, blinding bolts.

From above, disembodied and one with the clouds, the Electric Guardian watched the scattering forms of the forest. The fire grew where he wanted. The ferals fled. The rescuers went in for the weakling stragglers. It was all just a dance of struggle. A dance he had long since overcome—an existence that he wanted nothing more than to abandon.

Memories echoed in his mind. They were words that cut him more than any claw.

"Hey, Ra! Look at that little lady, eh? She's a little uggo, but I think she's your type. Eh? Eh?"

Ra wasn't sure what 'uggo' meant. Apparently, Star found someone of his 'type.' What exactly did that mean? Another Dragon-Fighter?

"You understand why I am skeptical."

"Ugh, just go in the clouds. Check it out. I bet you'll like what you see."

Ra humored her, looking below—an Aggron? That was his type? That wasn't anything like a Dragon! But... now that she mentioned it, there was something more. What was it? Ra looked closer. "Star... her aura..." For some reason, it felt like he had seen her for so long already.

"See, I knew you'd like her! Now go warm her icy heart."

The world trembled. A Charmander struggled through the rain with a Bulbasaur over his shoulder, meeting with a Delphox and his team. After an exchange, they separated, the Salazzle of that team advancing with the Charmander.

Where was the feral? He sent another bolt of lightning down. He ignored Star's protests and watched his home burn.

"Ouch!" Aggron put her claw in her mouth as if it would help. "You sparked me! How rude—are you not able to control your Electricity at all?!"

Ra shrugged indifferently. "I warned you. You should have been more careful."

Frost surrounded the plants near her. "Insolence! What kind of potential mate do you consider yourself?!"

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