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This fucking sucked. Being stuck at home because of some dumb nausea is one of the last things Bakugo needed. And no matter how much he wished he could get rid of by yelling, he was forced to deal with it.

He was missing school but in all honesty that was the least of his worries, because right now he was on his 5th coughing fit in the past hour. The coughing was starting to get unbearably annoying and he decides to get some cough drops at the pharmacy around the corner of the street. It wasn't like he could ask either of his parents to do it for him, they were both out. Though his mom did put up some soup for him before leaving to work, that soup can't be eaten if he's too busy coughing his ass off. And his dad was out on a job so he was left alone to keep his self alive.

He slips on some running shoes and puts a face mask in his pocket, to reduce the chance of infecting others. Instead of skating or biking, he figures walking over there would be a healthy option because he could use the extra steps anyways. Once he steps in the store he picks up some chips and grabs the cherry flavored drops before heading to the cashier. The man tries to make small talk with him but he can't be bothered to and the idiot and ignores it. He's walking out when he hears the large whooshing noise coming from above him.

What the fuck?

He looks up to see a black haired boy falling down at an alarming rate. Immediately his instincts kick in. Without much thought, he drops his bag and uses his quirk, explosion, to lift himself off the ground. I have to save him. Adrenaline rushes through his veins as he reaches closer to the falling boy. When he finally does, he grabs ahold of the boys leg and he flips him to hold him bridal style. Using his free hand, he creates smaller explosions as they descend towards the ground to soften the fall.


Kirishima POV

I finally get the balls to do it, and I allow myself to fall back.

Hearing the sound of the wind crushing against my ears and the the intense breeze that sends shivers down my body, is an experience that isn't quite like anything I've felt before. I feel free, like I'm ready to release myself from the chains of insecurity that never seemed to loosen up. But as I fall, I start to think of my mother, how sad she would be. All the negative outcomes pop into my mind and I slightly begin to feel guilty about my actions but it's quickly pushed aside. Oh well, It's too late now.

I open my eyes, but I am only able to see the sky for a brief moment before the sound of what seems like, (explosions?) reaches my ears. My eyes are met with crimson ones, similar to my own, and my leg is yanked. Out of nowhere I find myself in the arms of a ash blond boy whose using more explosions to maneuver his way down. WHAT THE ACTUAL FLYING FUCK?!

3rd person

As the two boys touch the cool concrete below, Kirishima stares at Bakugo, dumbfounded. The blond stares right back at him with equal bewilderment, confused as to why the other jumped off in the first place. Realizing the position they're in, both boys become a blushing mess and Kirishima quickly jumps out the boys arms and hits the floor with a loud thump. He looks up and scratches the back of his neck nervously. It's silent for a moment, until both of them voice the question they kept asking themselves at the same time , "Why did you do that?"

"HAH?!" Bakugo couldn't believe that the black haired boy would question his actions. What was he supposed to do, let him die? Absolutely not. He may be an asshole but he's not an absolute piece of shit either.

Kirishima thinks about what he's about to say next, seeing as this other guy is rather aggressive. " You could've just let me fall, y'know?" He says in a soft voice, almost as if he was shy. Which, to be completely honest, he was kinda starting to feel like it.

He realizes that the other was still on the ground and begrudgingly hold his hand out. "What kind of guy would I be if I were to just let somebody recklessly end their life?"

Kirishima doesn't really know how to respond to this. He accepts the hand and stands a bit shakily. "I guess your right, I'm sorry if I've caused you any inconvenience." He replies, looking down at the bag that Bakugo seemingly had dropped beforehand.

He looks up again and it's only then that he actually takes in the features of the blond. He had pale skin and slender eyes that were obviously alike to his own, he had already noticed his eyes since they were the first thing he saw of him, and his ash blond hair looked like a mini hair explosion, with sharp ends spiking out in every direction. He's pretty.

"Don't worry about it, but seriously, are you okay or whatever?" Normally Bakugo wouldn't have given two shits about a persons well being, but knowing that this boy was obviously unstable, he didn't want to risk it and make this kid feel any worse than he probably already does. He examines the shorter boy for any cuts or bruises, and can't seem to find any. His eyes wander to Kirishima's face and he begins to grasp the traits he has. His wide blood red eyes are glossy and it looked as if he was tearing up before, Bakugo had also taken note of his sharp shark like teeth. Holy hell this kids teeth are white. He had to admit, the boy was pretty pleasing to the eye.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Seriously though, it means a lot to me that you saved me, and I wish I had another way to thank you."

"There is another way,"

"Huh?" Now Kirishima was getting a little lost. He has another way? "Well what's the other way, I'd be happy to whatever you come up with."

Bakugou thought for a second, "Promise me that you won't try something like that again."

Kirishima's eyes widen and Bakugo begins to question why he said the words he just spoke. He hopes his blush of embarrassment isn't too obvious and he waits to hear the other's answer. I shouldn't be stressing over this random boy, it's unnecessary and I have better things to do, but still, part of wanting to become the number one pro hero is saving lives, and hopefully I can save his.


Bakugo is snapped out of his thoughts. "Okay?" He questions.

"Yeah, okay I'll promise. It's the least I could to, and hopefully I am able to keep this promise." Kirishima then smiles his signature toothy smile and suddenly Bakugo finds himself at a loss for breath.

The blond makes sure to catch it before answering. "Alright then, I guess this is goodbye." In the back of his mind he wonders how the hell the boy was able to switch from suicidal to happy in a matter of seconds, but ultimately decides that's not his business. He goes to pick up his bag from before, and hears a shout behind him as he walks away.

"Bye! Maybe I'll see you around sometime!" The black haired boy shouts cheerfully, as if he hadn't been trying to end his life only 5 minutes ago. Still, he can't help but admit the boy sounds much better when he's happy.

Bakugo smirks to himself before turning the corner and heading home.

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