Lets just talk and hang

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As soon as the bell rang, the bakusquad rushed to Kirishima's desk. "Where did you go dude?!"

"Yea we were worried sick, how come you never came back?"

"When Bakubro went to look he never came back too, now that I think about it,"
before the crew could ask another question, Bakugo came stomping to the group.

"Oi! Shut it extras, obviously he doesn't wanna talk about it to you losers." Immediately the group quieted down. Kirishima sighed in relief, silently thanking the blond for preventing any further questions.

After a moment of silence, Kirishima finally spoke, "Uh sorry for worrying you guys, I just felt a little sick, but I promise I'm feeling better! Today just wasn't my best day, that's all." He flashed his toothy smile and the others seemed a bit skeptical, but kept quite nonetheless.

"Well anyways, are you down to hang tomorrow?" Kaminari asks.

"Hell yea man! Why wouldn't I be!" Kirishima beams, and just like that, the group is convinced Kirishima's okay. Well all but one.


He didn't believe Kirishima's false smile because his eyes didn't crinkle and his slight dimples weren't shown. Did it sound creepy that he knew all this? A little, but he didn't care. When he got tired of hearing the nerds joke about unfunny things as they walked out the class, he tugged Kirishima's blazer and told the others that he needed to speak to Kirishima, alone.

"Haven't you had enough alone time with kiribro?" Sero smirked.

"HAH?! The fuck is that s'posed to mean!?"

"Woah woah guys let's just chill for a sec, I'm sure whatever bakubro needs is important so I better get going!" Of fucking course Kirishima covers up for the loser. With a little tch, Bakugo continues to drag Kirishima towards the direction of his house. Once they are far enough, he lets go of the redhead and they walk side by side.

3rd person

"So what'd you need bro?" Kirishima knew exactly what the explosion boy wanted to talk about, but he wanted to be sure.

With a deep breath, Bakugo sighed before speaking, "Look, I know it's not really my business or whatever, I'm just curious about why you were having a full blown panic attack in the middle of the damn school day. Does it have to do with those mental issues you had mentioned the other day?" Kirishima blinked. He knew the question was coming, and he felt like he owed Bakugo an explanation, he did help him after all.

"Uh, yea sorry bout that by the way, but I guess you do deserve a reason why because you helped me out."

"No shitty hair, you don't have to tell me, alright? I get it, everyone has secrets or whatever, just- only tell me if you want to."

And he did. Kirishima did want to tell Bakugo everything. But he knew he couldn't, he didn't wanna risk scaring him away with his own issues. Bakugo on the other hand,  was dying to know what goes on in that pretty little head of his. Not that he would admit he was pretty, because he totally wasn't.

With that said, Kirishima still felt obligated to at least tell him something, even if it was only the partial truth. "Okay." Okay? Bakugo was confused about where this was going but waited anyways. "I'll tell you, because I want to."

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