A Worried Friend

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Kirishima was bored. Bakugo already went home and honestly Kirishima didn't feel like seeing him because he knows Bakugo's catching on to his habits. This is so unmanly. How could I be a man when I can't even talk to my friend all because I'm scared of  some stupid confrontation like a little bitch.

Maybe I should hang with Mina today- no, she'll ask too many questions. Sero? Nah, he said he was busy today. Denki! Yes, I'll hang with Denki to get my mind off this!


RockMan 💪🏼: yoooo wanna hang out today?
Pikachu⚡️: hell yeah bro! It's hasn't been just the two of us in a while!
RockMan 💪🏼: yea sorry bout that man, but were about to make up for it!
Pikachu⚡️: yes sir! Do you wanna come to mine?
RockMan💪🏼: sure, I'll be there in a hour?
Pikachu ⚡️: sounds good , see you soon love you 😚
RockMan 💪🏼: ew, but love you too

Kirishima forgot how much he missed being with just Denki. After Mina had introduced them to each other, they became close right away. Denki was one of Kirishima's closest friends and they would tell each other everything.

They had a strong bond and would often act gay with each other, they even have a fake relationship. But they both understand that they're joking and that it's just a friendly skit. Denki knows Kirishima is gay, but he only found out because he suspected Kirishima liked Bakugo. Kirishima knows that Denki is bisexual, because he's seen him panic at Jirou and Shinsou.

Kirishima changed into a red hoodie, some black jeans, and vans. He left his hair down, he was only gonna see Denki anyways. He walked and tried to ignore the voices invading his thoughts.

He doesn't wanna hang with you, he just feels bad because no one likes you. You should just cancel and go back home. Does he even want to be your friend? Or did he feel forced just because Mina's your friend? Does Mina even like you? No, she pities you.

He knocked on the door to cut off his thinking, and was met with an excited Denki.

"Hey bro! I hope your ready to have the best day ever with your favorite!"

"Of course man! Why wouldn't I be!"
Kirishima walked in and the two sat on the couch, turning on the PlayStation.

"So, have you confessed your undying love to bakubro yet?"

"What?!" He chocked on air, looking to his friend with wide eyes. "Who said I loved him?!"

"I did! C'mon man it's so obvious you two like each other, it's not like he's any better at hiding it."

"Huh? But he doesn't like me," It hurt Kirishima to say it, but he knew that Bakugo wouldn't like someone as unless as him.
"Besides, I don't think I'd deserve someone as cool as him anyways."

All of a sudden somebody whacked the back of his head.

"Don't say that man! Of course he does! And I think you deserve him and so much more! I don't know how your so oblivious to his obvious love for you, even I noticed it!"

"Could you give me some examples? Because I really don't see how he could be dropping hints."

"Jeez man, you're so unaware that it hurts."

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