Nervous Wreck

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3rd person

Bakugo woke up first, he checked the time and when he saw it was 7:36 am. He needed to go home to prepare so he figured he should probably start getting ready. He slowly removed his arms from the sleeping redhead's waist and untangled their legs. He took a moment to look at the boy he has yet to profess his love to.

Fuck fuck fuck. I have to do it. I've been pussyfooting around it for too damn long. But what if he doesn't feel the same? Shit, I can't think like that, I'm fucking awesome, why wouldn't he love me back?

Oh yeah.

I'm a selfish asshole and I don't know how to use my words. I don't even deserve to be with someone as precious as him. He deserves the world, and I'm gonna kill that Yoshi son of a bitch one day for making Kirishima think otherwise.

He was brought out his thoughts by his phone dinging.

Old hag

Old hag: I'm picking you up in 10, be ready

He quickly typed a response before getting dressed, as quietly as he could, he didn't want to wake Kirishima. By the time he was done, his mom called.

"I'm here, hurry up."
"Yeah yeah, I'm fucking going."

He hung up and made sure to glance over at his hopefully-soon-to-be boyfriend, and smiled. After writing a note for the redhead to wake up to, he headed out the door.


Kirishima woke up to a unfamiliar bed. Huh? This isn't my bed.

When he woke up a bit more, he realized he was sleeping on Bakugo's. Speaking of, where is he? Did he leave?

Of course he did, why would he want to hang with you? He just got out while he had the chance. But why?

Oh yeah! We're going hiking today!

Kirishima had forgotten that Bakugo said he was gonna go home in the morning to get some supplies. He smiled to himself and stayed laying down for while on the blond boy's bed.

It smells like him. Carmel. I wonder if he ever gets tired of the smell. Nah, how could he? It smells too good. I wonder if I have a smell. If I do, does it smell bad? Oh I hope not, but it probably does. I bet if failure had a scent I'd reek of it.

After a while he decided he should probably get up. He checked the time and saw that it was barley 11:28 am. He had time to hang. As he was getting up to go to his side of the room, he noticed a note placed on the mini fridge by his desk.

I had to leave before you were able to wake up, see you later and you better be fucking ready when I call. Eat some breakfast because your gonna need the damn energy.

Kirishima was excited to hike. He's only done it a couple times before but he was mostly by himself. He never really had friends aside from Yoshi, and he's the only one he's ever gone with. This was before Yoshi stared getting violent of course. He wondered what it'd be like.

Would we talk the whole time? Where are we gonna even go? I'm pretty sure he didn't tell me the location, is it supposed to be a surprise? Why'd Bakugo wanna go hiking anyways?

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