A Deadly Accident

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Living in the dorms was one of the best things that ever happened to Kirishima. It's been 2 weeks since they had moved in and Kirishima was happy that he wasn't alone all the time anymore. When he lived at home, it was always just him. The main reason he would leave all the time was so he wouldn't have to be in that empty home that he shared with nobody but the occasional presence of his mother.

Since the first day, he and Bakugo had watched movies together on his bed and talked all night. There was no denying his feeling at this point, he was definitely falling in love.

It scared him.

I don't deserve it, I'm not worth of feeling love. And I know that I have nothing to provide for him but my hurt, and that's not nearly enough. I would be nothing without him. He saved me and I have done nothing to return the favor.


They were in gym, today's task was to save the hostages that were chosen by Aizawa. He was a 'hero' and was assigned to save Kaminari. Bakugo was by his side and was given Momo to rescue. The buzzer rang, signaling them to begin, and the 'heros' set off to save the hostages assigned.

Kirishima set off to search for Kaminari using the clues given. He figured he was in one of the unstable buildings where many of the other students and found their targets to be. He booked it to the said 8 story building and ran inside. There was also a group of students that were 'villains' and were supposed to stop the 'heros' from rescuing the hostages. It took him a while to reach the roof, but eventually did and saw Kaminari tied up. Most of his classmates had got their assigned buddy and Kirishima was able to throw Kaminari over his shoulder.

"Okay now lets get out of here!"
"You got here pretty fast, good job Kiri!"

The two were headed towards the exit when suddenly the unsteady building started cracking. Shit, one of the fake villains must've accidentally used too much force on the buildings structure!

Kirishima and Kaminari were the last two in the building and they needed to escape before the building collapsed on the both of them. Kirishima was growing more anxious as he ran down the 5th floor stairs. He had his entire body hardened and it was only a matter of time before he runs out of stamina. Was this apart of the assignment?

"U-uh whats going on? Why is the building shaking so much?!"
"I think it's gonna fall at any second! We need to go! Sorry Denks but I don't have time to untie you!"
"No, I understand. But we need to hurry!"

He could hear on his headset that All Might hadn't planned this and told them they need to get out as fast as possible.

I need to save Kaminari , I can't let him get hurt in here just because I'm not fast enough. I have to get out of here! Just a little while longer, c'mon!

As he reached the 4th floor, his quirk limit had been reached and turned off. Just as he reached the stairs for the second floor, the building gave away. He watched in horror as the large pieces of metal and concrete began to fall towards him at a quickening pace.

Acting on instinct, he shielded the tied up Kaminari and hoped that his body could take it. He could hear faint screaming and cries before everything went black.


He woke up a few minutes later, he noticed Kaminari was still under him and unconscious. He checked to see if he was still breathing, and saw that he was. He tried to check him for any further injuries, and when he looked down he saw a concerning amount of blood puddling around them. He could barely see with all the rubble covering them, but could tell easily by how dark the liquid was. He began to panic and tried to get off Kaminari to see where he was bleeding from when he felt a sudden sharp pain on his whole body.

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