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3rd person

The two boys stepped into the arcade and looking around for the rest of the group.

"Yo guys! We're over here!" They looked and saw Mina running up to them, and followed to the booth were the others sat.

"Hey guys! Sorry we're a bit late, thanks for waiting!" Kirishima smiled.

"It's no biggie, we were thinking of ordering a pizza so we could eat first, you okay with that?" Jirou asks.

"Tch, whatever."

"Ohh that sounds good! I'm down."

"Alright then, let's order."

They end up ordering two pizzas and some sodas to drink. After having a competition to see who could eat a slice the fastest, in which Kirishima won, Denki decides to go with Jirou to get tokens.

"Alright guys so I have a plan," Mina whispers.
"Uh oh, no offense Mina, but whenever you have plans they always involve people's feelings," Kirishima whines.

"Exactly! So that's why my latest goal is to get Kami and Jirou to confess!!"

"Shouldn't we just let them figure it out on their own?" Sero questions,

"NO!! We have to give them a little push, or else they'll never do it because they're too pussy."

Bakugo snorts, "I hate to admit it, but pinky here is right, they're pussies."

"See! Even Bakugo agrees!! We should totally help them!"

"Hah?! I didn't say we should help them! I just agreed that they're too much of a coward to confess."

"That's ironic coming from you Bakubro," Sero laughs.


"Nothing! I'm just saying, your in a similar position to Kami right now." He laughs.

"Huh? I don't get it? How is he in the same position as Denki?" Kirishima asks.

"It's nothing shitty hair, soy sauce is just talking outta his ass." He glares.

"Anyways, back to my plan!! So I'm thinking we should go to the mall after this, and then separate into groups. I'll pair them up and hopefully they can get a little closer if you know what I mean," Mina smirks.

"Well as much as I think we should let them do it themselves, that actually sounds fun and I need to buy some new shirts anyways, so I guess I'll help." Says Kirishima.

"Perfect! Now let's play some games!"

"Oi! I never even agreed to that!" Bakugo shouts.

"You didn't have to, Kirishima agreed so that means the both of you did!" Mina says with a shit eating grin.

"Tch, whatever fuck face, I'm gonna go get the coins from earphones."

They start to play the games, most resulting in Bakugo screaming whenever he lost, and Kirishima having to calm him down. His stomach was starting to hurt from eating both pizza and ice cream, so he looked around for a distraction. Suddenly he saw a just dance game. "Mina look! They have a just dance game!! We totally have to play!"

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