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Disclaimer: The thoughts Kirishima has on his actions are NOT the author's actual opinion on the subject


As he walks home he starts to think about what just happened to him in the past 3 hours. He skips half the school day, then attempts to end his life, only to be saved by some random hot blonde. What a day.

Embarrassment is in the front of his mind as he realizes that the hot blonde probably thinks he's some depressed loser. He then begins to feel the guilt starting to pile on him. How could he have been so selfish? How could he have done that without considering how his mom would take the news? But in truth, he wasn't really focused on other's feelings when he jumped. All he wanted was the voices to stop, the pain to end. Sure his mother would've been sad, but she would've got over it. Right?

Still, he knew that his mother loved him; even if she wasn't there half the time. She would definitely be hurt about it and possibly even blame herself. But Kirishima would know she had no reason to. Even though she's gone most days, she was still a good mother. She supported him in everything he did. For example, his Crimson Riot obsession. He had posters stuck all over his walls ,figurines on the bookshelves, and a closet filled with merch.

He looked up to Crimson Riot, and wanted nothing more than to be at least half as manly as him when he's older. So maybe that's what he'll do. Yeah, that's definitely something he'll try to do. He'll keep training, studying, and overall getting his act together so he can get into UA and become the hero he always wanted to be. However, that's probably easier said than done.

Over the next few days he tries to motivate his self and ignore the negative voices that once took over his thoughts completely. They were still there, and he couldn't get rid of them even if he wanted to. It was quite the challenge to not just give in and let his mind take over. And for some reason, hearing that the cute blond boy wanted him to live, kinda gave him hope that one day he'll see him again and they could become friends. He knew it was a little silly to have such hopes that he'll meet that boy again, but something about that dude made him feel all giddy inside. And even the smallest motive was enough to help him push through each day.

The more he thinks about it, the more he confuses himself. He's figured out that he doesn't necessarily want to die, he just wants to disappear. He wants to be someone else, wants to feel something, anything. It'd be nice if the world could stop, everything could be on pause. Because maybe then he'd be able to gather his thoughts, and stop feeling so detrimental. He knows he can't just be better in a matter of days, so right now he's focusing on taming his biggest issue first, the voices.

It's now been a week since that day he tried to end it all, he's currently sitting in class behind one of his only acquaintances, Mina. She doesn't know much about his demons, and that's because at school he tried his best to put on a facade. She never questions him on the few occasions where he is a little more glum than normal, because everyone has bad days. It's not her fault she didn't notice that he'd attempted to kill himself a mere seven days ago, so he pretends everything is normal as she occasionally glances at him.

The bell rings and he packs up before starting to head out when Mina stops him before he could exit the door. "I heard you want to get into UA too?"

"Yeah, I know it's a bit difficult to get accepted, so I plan to train and study all summer!" There's a beat of silence and Kirishima wonders if he should've just shut it and said nothing. Stupid, stupid, stupid! Why couldn't you just shut the hell up?!

But the moment he sees Mina beam and jump up and down happily, the worry washes away. Kirishima can practically feel the excitement radiating off the pink toned girl beside him. "That's amazing Kirishima! Hopefully we both make it so we can go to school together! I just know that you'll make it in!"

Mina's always been supportive of his dream because she has a similar one of her own. Sometimes she helps him feel a little bit better about himself with her complements and he thanks her for that. "Likewise! Thanks Mina, and I hope that we make it in too, so we can learn to be amazing hero's together!" He's always tried to match her energy, but it's quite difficult considering that she seems to have an endless supply of it. She nods enthusiastically before screeching in agreement. They say their goodbyes and start to head the opposing directions to make their way home.

Maybe I can do this after all.


That day in front of the store hadn't left Bakugo's mind and it's been bugging him for days. He finally got rid of whatever crappy ass sickness he had, but still feels uneasy when he thinks about that one boy who's life he saved. Something about his wide innocent eyes made Bakugo feel a little weak on his legs.

Damn that nerd, making me feel like a crushing little school kid. But there was no denying it, he wanted to see the boy again. He never asked him his name nor his number so he was pretty much screwed on trying to get into contact with him. Why should he care anyways though? It's just a silly little crush, and he's sure the other probably forgot about him already. Just like how he'll hopefully forget about him in the next few days. Right now all he needs to focus on is getting into UA, schools at an end and he only had the summer to get in the perfect shape so he better get his ass moving.

He pushed the thoughts of the pretty boy aside, and resumes his weights.

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