Let me love you

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"Kirishima, what the fuck are you talking about?"

"I'm trying to spare you a waste of time, that's what."

"Do you even hear yourself? How dare you say that shit. You don't know how I feel, or what I want. So I'm gonna tell you and your gonna listen okay?"


"No Kirishima. Listen to me."


"None of that shit you said was true. You are good enough, if anything your more than that, and I should kill that Yoshi bastard for ever making you believe otherwise. Your perfect, and I can't let you say that I wouldn't want you because I know damn well I want you more than anything! So fucking what if you have a couple of issues? I have way too many to count but that hasn't stopped you from loving a shit head like me, right?"

Kirishima nodded.

"Then? I see no reason for you not to be with me. I want to help you Kirishima and we can work on our problems together. Your not broken, not to me."

Kirishima has never felt more loved than he did in that moment. He never knew the extent of how much Bakugo cared about their relationship. He wanted nothing more than to be with the blond. And maybe Bakugo was right, they could help each other.

"So Kirishima, wanna be my fucking boyfriend?"

Kirishima nodded so aggressively that Bakugo was scared he might accidentally snap his neck.
He lunged at Bakugo and Bakugo hugged back as if it were the last time he'd be able to.

"I'm sorry I almost rejected your love, I was just scared that you would end up leaving once you realized how much of a bother I am."

"What did i tell you about considering yourself a burden?"

"Not to."

"Then don't. Because your not. Now shut the fuck up and let me kiss you."

"With pleasure!"
Kirishima giggled.

Bakugo smiled and grabbed Kirishima's chin gently before smashing his lips onto the others.
It was like heaven. Kirishima's lips were so soft and warm, he couldn't believe he'd gone most his life without feeling them.

Kirishima kissed back with equal passion, if not more. He loved the way Bakugo's lips felt on his own, and when they pulled away for air, Kirishima found himself wanting more.

Bakugo seemed to notice, and pulled Kirishima onto his lap before interlocking their lips once more. Kirishima lifted his hands to grab Bakugo's surprisingly soft hair, and could feel Bakugo's hands roaming his body. He gasped when he felt a sudden squeeze on his ass, and Bakugo used this as an opportunity to stick his tongue in.

Bakugo felt around Kirishima's hot wet mouth, trying to leave not one place untouched. Kirishima hummed happily and let Bakugo explore his mouth. It was like a drug, so addicting that they never wanted to pull away.

When they finally did, they panted and rested their foreheads against each other. Both wore a ridiculous smile, and couldn't be happier with the situation.

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