I'm back

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Kirishima POV
(Also I haven't done first person in a while, whoops.)

It's been 5 days since I woke up from surgery. I finally get released today! They had a recovery girl come in and speed up the rest of my healing process, so I'm pretty much all better. The guilt of worrying everybody is weighing on me heavily, but thankfully I've kept it hidden. Well, as good as I can at least. My mom gave me a whole lecture when she got here about being more careful. I love her, but I think I'm ready for her to return to work now.

3rd person

"You ready?" Bakugo asks as helps Kirishima pack up his things from his hospital room.
"Yeah man! I can't wait to get to the dorm and relax!" He smiled.

Kirishima's mom walks in and grabs one of his bags.

"Okay kiddos, we're all set! I already signed you out, so we just gotta pack it up." She announces.
"You heard that shitty hair? You finally get to leave this shithole."
"Bakugo!" Kirishima scolds before laughing,
"Besides, it wasn't that bad. It was just a little boring 's all."
"Whatever helps you sleep at night."

They finish putting Kirishima's things away and head to his mom's car. The trip was filled with Kirishima ranting about how he's never gonna take advantage of being able to walk again, and Bakugo snickering at Kirishima's mom telling embarrassing stories of Kirishima's childhood.

"Oh! And I remember when I came home one day, the nannie told me that he was so nervous to play with the kid next door that-"
"Okay that's enough mom! I don't think Bakugo wants to hear anymore of my stories. I know I don't." Kirishima grumbled with a pink tint across his face.
"I found it kinda amusing." Bakugo smirked.
"Wha-?! Who's side are you on here?!"

This went of for a bit until they finally arrived at the dorms.

"Bye mom! Love you! Drive safe, okay?"
Kirishima shouted as the two walked into the dorm.
"Y'know, your moms not that bad."
"Yeah, she can be nice when she wants to be. She's only been around enough to get mad at me a few times, but I'll be honest when I say she was the scariest thing ever when upset."
Kirishima answers as they step into the elevator.

"I noticed that she had to travel to come see you, is she gone often?" Bakugo questions, he knows it's none of his business, but he's been able to tell that Kirishima is almost always without a guardian. And by Kirishima's sudden stuttering and red face, he knew he was right.

"Well- uh- sh-she's at work most the time, and she travels for work, so sometimes she's not there." Kirishima answers after a bit.

They walk into their dorm and Kirishima immediately changes the subject.

"Man I really missed this room, I finally get to sleep on a comfy bed again!"
"It's only been a couple days shit hair." But to Bakugo though, those where the longest days of his life even if he'd never admit it.
"Yeah yeah, don't lie, you know you missed me bugging you!" Kirishima smiled.

I did.
"No i fucking didn't!" Bakugo spat.



Kirishima put the roses on his nightstand, every time he thinks about how Bakugo bought them for him, it makes him blush.

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