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When he made it to school that morning he was a nervous wreck.What if my classmates don't like me? What if everyone sees me as annoying? What if I can't keep up with everyone else? How will I prove I can be a hero? His thoughts were cut off when a certain pinkette jumps onto him with a hug.

"KIRSHIMA! I almost didn't recognize you when I first saw you!" After getting over the mini heart attack he nearly had, he shoots her a confused glance. "The red looks really nice on you, it's a good change!" Then he remembered about his hair, right.

"Oh thanks Mina! I decided that getting into UA is like a new start, so why not make some upgrades."

"Well I have to admit, it made you look much more different than from the last time I saw you, but enough of that! Come! I want to introduce you to my new friends!" He nodded and followed.

He was introduced to a yellow haired and a black haired boy. They chatted for a while and he found himself liking his new friends. They were funny, and somehow he managed to make them smile. Things were looking up.

He stepped into the class and looked around, trying to take in the room he'll be in for most his days. While scanning the room his eyes are met with crimson ones much like the boy he wished to meet again. For a moment he just stared, feeling as if the intense blood eyes were locking his gaze into place. Then he looked closer at the boy who's eyes he was staring into.

Wait, that's the boy!! It definitely had to be him, he had no doubt about it. He instantly smiled the biggest smile he could muster and the blonds eyes widened before he looked away.

Oh. He hadn't meant to scare him, he just wanted to friendly. He couldn't help the dejected sigh that escaped him and turned his gaze to the ground. A hand on his shoulder snaps him from his self pity and he meets the golden eyes of his new friend, Kaminari.

"You okay? You seemed a little sad just now." He asks gently. Fuck. He'd forgotten that he was at a new school now, and he needs to keep his smile on. It was only the first day and he was already ruining it.

"Oh I'm okay man, just a bit nervous about class." Flashing a smile seems to do the trick, and they continue their conversation as they walk to their desks.

Sitting in his assigned seat, he looks over to the blonds and sees him staring out the window. He looks almost the exact same as the last time he saw him. His ash blond hair spiking out everywhere, he wondered if uses gel too or if it's naturally like that, and his piercing red eyes gazed out at the world through the glass. He seemed a little buffer than he was before, not that Kirishima was complaining.

When he noticed the blond was about to turn around towards him, he quickly averted his gaze before the other could notice. He felt his eyes on him as he talked with Kaminari, but he didn't wanna look back at him and risk making things awkward. So he continued talking until the teacher, who he thought was a worm at first, walked- no, rolled into the class.

He talked and had the class do physical tasks to see how they rank and get an idea of where everyone is at. He wasn't sure he did so well when it was over, ranking in eighth place. It dampened his mood, but he hoped his smile would cover it up. After they headed back to class, they sat through one more period before it was time for lunch. He needed to talk to that boy. So he told Mina and the others to wait up for him as he walked to the aggressive boy's desk.

"Hey man, wanna come sit with us at lunch?"


Normally, he would've told the redhead to fuck off and leave him alone. But he couldn't. He wanted to get to know this boy and he was given the perfect opportunity by being asked to sit with him and his loser friends. "Yeah whatever, and you're gonna meet me at the front gate after class."

The shark toothed boy smiled widely and nodded. "Uh, sure thing man! Now let's head out so we have time to eat." Bakugo nodded and followed.


He currently wanted to kill someone at the moment. When he sat with these extras, he wasn't expecting them to be as dumb as they looked. They joked around a lot and gossiped about who they think looks cute in the class. "That Momo chick had such big boobs! But honestly I kinda think Jirou girl was pretty." The off brand pickachu gushed.

"I saw cute guys and girls too! But I'm afraid I can't tell you who I thought was the cutest because that top secret information." Raccoon eyes responded, using her pinched fingers to seal a faux zipper over her mouth. "How about you?"

Huh? They all turned to Bakugo. "Yeah! Who do you think was cute bro?" Bakugo didn't know how to respond to that question, because the one guy he found cute was sitting right next to him. He turned and looked at him and saw the redheads eyes sparkle with curiosity written all over them. He wasn't about to expose himself so shouted insults instead. "HAH!? I DONT THINK ANY OF THOSE SHITTY EXTRAS ARE CUTE! They're all annoying anyways." He looked back at the boy next to him again and saw him look a little dejected about his response, but he quickly stifled it by laughing
and smiling.

"Ouuu, it sounds like to me that you DO find someone cute," Mina squealed, "You just don't wanna admit it!"

Now Bakugo was beginning to blush. "Psh, whatever, raccoon eyes." He grumbled. They all laughed at the name given to her and she pouted for a bit before joining in on the laughter.

The rest of lunch was pretty loud and Bakugo couldn't stop himself from glancing at the boy who sat beside him. He was able to find out about his liking for the hero Crimson Riot, the color red, and his odd obsession with being manly. They talked about other stuff too, but he didn't really focus on it. Not that he wanted to, he was fine with looking at the redhead. He's never really found anyone attractive, and for a while he thought maybe he was ace. But now he's figured that it was simply because he hadn't seen anyone pretty enough for him. And the boy sitting next to him, was more than enough.

But he didn't like him, it was only a attraction to his features, he told himself. He couldn't get feelings for someone, it was a setback in his plan to become number one hero.

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