Hunger and Sparring

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Tw: eating disorder

Just like they were the previous time Kirishima had slept over, the two woke up holding each other as if they'd been together for years.
If every morning was like this, I'd never fucking leave the bed.

Bakugo had woken up first, no surprise since he's always been quite the early bird. Checking the time he noticed it was barley 8:37. He secretly hoped Kirishima would never wake up so that he wouldn't have to let go. Does he like cuddling with me too? Does he only see it as a friendly gesture? He's quite touchy with everyone anyways, does he think this is any different than hugging one of his other idiot friends? I hope so.

Bakugo reached over to grab his phone, reading over some of the messages in the group chat that they missed yesterday.

Bakusquad 💪🏼

QueenMina👑: hey are you two okay? You never texted back
Pikachu ⚡️: they're probably too busy making out by now
Tape man 🧻 : Kami, bro, it's like you have a death wish sometimes. Also, WHO CHANGED THE NAMES !!
Aux cord 🎶: yea whats up with that?
QueenMina👑: sorry guys but just our names was kinda boring, so me and Kami fixed it and used some of bakuhoes nicknames for inspo!
Pikachu ⚡️: yea! It makes things fun :)
Tape man 🧻: seriously? You could've at least made mine cooler ! :(
Aux cord 🎶: I agree, mine sucks
Pikachu⚡️: DEAL WITH IT
QueenMina👑: so uhh, kiribaby? Bakuhoe?
Tape man 🧻: yea hello? You two never answer
Pikachu⚡️: I'm telling you! They're smooching off rn I just know it!
QueenMina👑: aww I hope they are!! My fav ship is finally sailing!
Pikachu⚡️: heyy!! What about me and Jirou :,(
QueenMina👑: you guys are a close second!
Aux cord 🎶: uhhh ok ?

Bakugo had to stop reading before he lost more brain cells. He typed a quick response grumpily and decided to wake the redhead beside him. If there's anyone who could up his now sour mood, it's Kirishima.

Bakusquad 💪🏼

LordExplosion💥: stfu, and dunce face when I see you you better have planned your funeral
Tape man 🧻: rip Kami, he was a good guy 🙏🏽
Aux cord 🎶: he did it to himself smh
QueenMina👑: gone but not forgotten 😖
Pikachu ⚡️: wait- I was just kidding bakubro!!

He turned to the boy and slowly tried to detach himself. He stopped when he heard him whine.

"Mmm, don't leave. You're warmmm."
Bakugo couldn't fight the blush that bloomed on his pale face even if he tried.

"C-c'mon shit hair, or else I'm just gonna let you starve."

That didn't seem to wake Kirishima up.
"If you don't wake up, I'm gonna blast you to tomorrow."

With a blush of embarrassment on his face, he let go of Bakugo and sat up rubbing his eyes.
"Sorry man, I didn't mean to keep you there like that,"

"S'fine. Now hurry up and help me make breakfast or you're not getting any."

"Okay okay! I'm up!"

Bakugo couldn't help but laugh as he made his way out the room with Kirishima following closely behind. He pulled out some eggs and and the pancake mix, telling Kirishima to whisk up the eggs while he makes the pancakes.

"Get the bacon out when your done, it should be in the drawer of the fridge."

"Oh hell yeah! Bacon is so manly!"

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