Two Years Later..

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I quickly buttoned up my black suit and rushed out of the door. For the first time ever I was running late. Last night Hange forced me to go to a bar with her so we could celebrate me getting into the Regents. The regents were the top agents that succeeded in every mission they had. They are also the most trusted to do the more tough jobs like undercover. When your undercover, you could be undercover for days, months, or even a year. One of the Regents who's name is Petra Ral, told me that she had to stay undercover for months or so before she was able to finally get the information she needed.

Anyways, when we got to the bar Hange and I were having a nice time until the mood got sad when she started bringing up Erwin's death. After that we started drinking more and everything after that I'd a blur. I don't even remember how I got home.

I quickly walked into the Paridis headquarters  and thankfully I made it into the elevator. Once I got off the elevator,  my headache was pounding and I groaned.

Grabbing a random agent's coffee, I fast walked to the meeting room. I opened the door quickly and nodded at everyone else and sat down besides Petra. She smiled at me and my boss looked like she wanted to yank out my insides and put them in her blender. She cleared her throat and spoke, " As I was saying... we will be working with the regents of Eldian headquarters. You all have been assigned to the partner you were most compatible with. No, you cannot change your partners. No, you cannot kill your partners. I understand that we have sided against them many times, but this threat before us is more important. Any objections?"

No one dared to answer, and our boss looked at the papers in her left hand and took her free hand and sipped her coffee," Now. Since Regent Ackerman was late, I will say it once again. We are joining with Eldian headquarters to go undercover. This undercover will be the hardest one you past Regents have been through. There is going to be a bidding convention for the Serum. Long story short, one of you have to make the highest bid to receive the Serum. Whoever receives the Serum, has to take the Serum to Hange Zoe. Hange is in a specific location that I will not tell for safety purposes. The only people who know of her location is me and the Eldian Boss, Willy Tybur. Any questions?"

I shook my head along with the others. The boss stood up and walked around the table sliding us our mission folders. She spoke, " In each of these folders are your passports, cards to bid with, your hotel address, and last but not least, your partners. I know this isn't how we usually do things, but do this for Paridis. And-."

" Sorry to interrupt Mrs. Reiss."

We all turned our heads to the door to see the boss' secretary. The boss turned to her, " Yes Ymir?" Ymir cleared her throat, " Mr. Tybur is waiting for you on the phone." Boss looked at us, " Well that will be all for today, but if you have any more questions see me in my office anytime." As her and her secretary took their exit, I opened my folder and I felt anger fill up inside of me.

Zeke Yeager. The man that killed Erwin. Wait. I remember putting a bullet in his head. I felt so many different emotions as I stared at the man in the folder. I felt a hand grab my arm in sympathy and I looked at Petra letting my emotions calm themselves. She looked at me with concern, " I know you don't want to work with them either, but this would mean that Erwin's death wasn't in vain. We have a chance to win this once and for all."

I nodded and I quickly stood up and practically ran out of the room. I needed to get away. From it all. From everything. My heart started to beat faster as my thoughts raced through my mind. I pressed the button to the elevator and once it opened I was stopped in my tracks to see him.

The blonde hair, the blue eyes, the glasses, the beard, that annoying smile that was on his face when I first laid eyes on him. Here he was standing in front of me. I looked up at him and he looked down at me. I cursed silently realizing our height difference and he chuckled, " Ahh, Levi. Fancy meeting you again."

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